Faili:Flag of Macedonia (1992–1995).svg

Faili halisi (faili la SVG, husemwa kuwa piseli 600 × 300, saizi ya faili: 653 bytes)

Faili hili linatoka Wikimedia Commons. Maelezo yapo kule kwenye ukurasa wake wa maelezo unaonekana hapo chini.
Commons ni mahali mtandaoni pa kuhifadhia jalada na hati za picha na sauti zenye leseni huria. Unaweza kuisadia.


English: Flag of Macedonia, 1992–1995.
Español: Bandera de la República de Macedonia (1992-95)
Македонски: Знаме на Република Македонија (1992–1995).
Українська: Прапор Республіки Македонія, 1992–1995
Chanzo Kazi yangu
Mwandishi Mysid
Flag colors
SVG genesis
The SVG code is valid.
This flag was created with a text editor by Mysid.
Previous version was 2072 bytes  f  now 31.52% of previous size
Please do not replace the simplified code of this file with a version created with Inkscape or any other vector graphics editor


This work published in North Macedonia is in the public domain because its copyright expired pursuant to the Yugoslav Copyright Act of 1978 which provided for copyright term of the life of the author plus 50 years, or 25 years from publication for a photograph or a work of applied art. This applies to works already in the public domain on or before 1996 when a new copyright act became valid. (details)

The work meets one of the following criteria:

a) a work of known authorship and the author died before January 1, 1946
b) an anonymous work and it was published before January 1, 1946
c) a photograph or a work of applied art published before January 1, 1971

Note that other works enter the public domain 70 years after the author's death or 70 years after publication if the work was published anonymously. If this is the case please use {{PD-old-70}}.

English  македонски  српски / srpski  +/−

Flag of North Macedonia
GNU head Ruhusa inakubalika kunakili, kusambaza na/au kurekebisha chini ya matakwa ya GNU Free Documentation License, Toleo 1.2 au toleo lolote lile la baadaye ambalo litachapishwa na Free Software Foundation; lisilo na Sehemu Tofauti, lisilo na Maandishi-Kava-Kwa-Mbele, na lisilo na Maandishi-Kava-Kwa -Nyuma. Nakala ya hatimiliki inajumlishwa kwenye sehemu ilioitwa GNU Free Documentation License.
w:en:Creative Commons
sifa shiriki sawa
Faili hii imeidhinishwa chini ya Creative Commons Attribution- Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported leseni.
Uko huru:
  • kushiriki – kunakili na kusambaza kazi hiyo
  • kwa remix – kurekebisha kazi
Chini ya masharti yafuatayo:
  • sifa – Ni lazima utoe mkopo unaofaa, utoe kiungo cha leseni, na uonyeshe ikiwa mabadiliko yalifanywa. Unaweza kufanya hivyo kwa njia yoyote inayofaa, lakini si kwa njia yoyote inayopendekeza mtoa leseni akuidhinishe wewe au matumizi yako.

shiriki sawa – Ukichanganya, kubadilisha, au kujenga juu ya nyenzo, lazima usambaze michango yako chini ya same or compatible license kama ya awali.

This licensing tag was added to this file as part of the GFDL licensing update.

Kumbukumbu ya upakizaji wa asili

date/time username resolution size edit summary
16:57, 19 April 2012 Achim1999 600×300 951 B SVG code simplified
06:35, 18 August 2011 Alkari 600×300 1295 B code cleanup
04:40, 11 March 2011 Zscout370 600×300 3271 B code
16:37, 05 June 2010 Zscout370 600×300 19 862 B
04:09, 17 July 2008 -unknown- 599×300 4149 B transferred to commons
00:46, 13 April 2006 User:Huhsunqu 599×300 4149 B
01:09, 19 November 2005 User:Thuresson 599×300 2 KB Flag of Macedonia, 1992–1995. the flag used the Vergina Sun, which led to protests from neighboring Greece due to the symbol's origins. Drawn by Mysid. Image history at en: (del) (cur) 07:25, 20 October 2005 . . <a href="" class="extiw" title="en:User:Mysid">Mysid</a>
07:25, 20 October 2005 Mysid 600×300 2072 B first drawing


Add a one-line explanation of what this file represents
The flag of the Republic of Macedonia between 1992 and 1995, bearing the Vergina Sun

Items portrayed in this file

depicts Kiingereza

copyright status Kiingereza

copyrighted Kiingereza

media type Kiingereza


20 Oktoba 2005

Historia ya faili

Bonyeza tarehe/saa kuona faili kama ilivyoonekana wakati huo.

Tarehe/SaaPicha ndogoVipimoMtumiajiMaelezo
sasa hivi07:50, 23 Aprili 2024Picha ndogo ya toleo la 07:50, 23 Aprili 2024600 × 300 (653 bytes)MinoaThe rays are updated to have a smooth transition between the line and curve. viewBox is used so that we don't have to transform-translate the whole thing. The title tag is updated to current SVG specifications.
16:07, 19 Aprili 2012Picha ndogo ya toleo la 16:07, 19 Aprili 2012600 × 300 (951 bytes)Achim1999Much compacter and way more readable source code by using the SVG-path element and its arc property! Source: Own work from an older wiki-version of this flag. Technical it 's a minor change. ~~~~
13:00, 1 Desemba 2011Picha ndogo ya toleo la 13:00, 1 Desemba 2011600 × 300 (3 KB)Дмитрий-5-АверинУлучшение (Версия участника MacedonianBoy)
04:03, 30 Novemba 2011Picha ndogo ya toleo la 04:03, 30 Novemba 2011600 × 300 (1 KB)Alkarirevert unexplained reversion
21:51, 29 Novemba 2011Picha ndogo ya toleo la 21:51, 29 Novemba 2011600 × 300 (3 KB)MacedonianBoyReverted to version as of 04:40, 31 March 2011
06:35, 18 Agosti 2011Picha ndogo ya toleo la 06:35, 18 Agosti 2011600 × 300 (1 KB)Alkaricode cleanup
04:40, 31 Machi 2011Picha ndogo ya toleo la 04:40, 31 Machi 2011600 × 300 (3 KB)Zscout370Code
16:37, 5 Julai 2010Picha ndogo ya toleo la 16:37, 5 Julai 2010600 × 300 (19 KB)Zscout370
04:09, 17 Julai 2008Picha ndogo ya toleo la 04:09, 17 Julai 2008599 × 300 (4 KB)BetacommandBotmove approved by: User:Lokal Profil This image was moved from Image:Flag of Macedonia 1991-95.svg == Summary == {{es|Bandera de la República de Macedonia (1991-95)}} Flag of the Republic of Macedonia, 1991–1995. The flag used the Vergina Su

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