Justine Msechu
Karibu kwenye Wikipedia kwa Kiswahili!
Tunamfurahia kila mmoja anayeingia na kuungana nasi. Hii ni kamusi elezo ya maandishi huru. Unaweza kuandika makala uipendayo ama kuitafsiri kutoka Wikipedia ya lugha nyingine.
Ukipenda kutumia kurasa zetu za mwongozo na msaada, a) ukitumia simu bofya kwa "Dawati" chini kwenye dirisha lako na b) ubadilishe mwonekano wa Wikipedia kwa kubofya "Switch to old look" kwenye menyu upande wa kushoto.
Kwa mawili matatu labda tazama:
- Kuhusu ukurasa wako wa mtumiaji na kurasa nyingine
- Ukurasa wa mwongozo
- Jamii:Msaada (makala zilizomo humo zinaweza kusaidia mara nyingi)
- Ukurasa wa jumuia (pamoja na Wikipedia:Wakabidhi, penye majina walio tayari kukusaidia)
- Makala za msingi za Wikipedia
Jisikie huru kuuliza swali lolote lihusianalo na Wikipedia hii. Karibu kujitambulisha kwenye "Ukurasa wa mtumiaji". Ukitaka kupata kwanza uzoefu wa kuweza kuhariri Wikipedia, tafadhali tumia ukurasa wako kwa majaribio. Humo unaruhusiwa kujipatia uzoefu wa uundaji wa makala za Wikipedia! Juu yako mwenyewe uandike tu kwenye ukurasa wako wa mtumiaji. Humo uko huru kutangaza chochote upendacho, kama si biashara au matusi.
Ujue miiko:
- usilete kamwe matini wala picha kutoka tovuti za nje.
- usiingize matangazo ya kibiashara (pamoja na kuelekeza kwa kurasa zenye matangazo).
- usimwage kamwe matini kutoka google-translate au programu za kutafsiri.
- usitumie kama vyanzo vya taarifa au tanbihi <ref>Wikipedia (au mradi mwingine wa Wikimedia)</ref>, ila unaweza kutumia vyanzo vyake kwa kuvitaja vyenyewe moja kwa moja.
Tunakushauri pia kuandikisha email yako; haitaonekana na wengine lakini wataweza kukuandikia kupitia mfumo wa Wikipedia. Karibu sana!
Welcome to Kiswahili Wikipedia!
We welcome you even if you don't speak Kiswahili. For a bot flag go to this site. If you try to edit entries as a non-speaker, it is better to first communicate with one of our admins who can advise you. You may find them at Wikipedia:Wakabidhi. And, please:
- do not post computer translated texts (like Google Translate, Content Translation, etc. all do not work for Swahili)
- nor copied texts/images from other webs to this site!
- do not use links to commercial pages, never post anything that looks like advertising.
- do not use as references <ref>Wikipedia (or another project of Wikimedia)</ref>, though you can use their references by writing them themselves.
As a newcomer we advise that you register your email. This will not be visible to others but it allows us to notify you, which often is helpful in case of problems.
Idd ninga (majadiliano) 07:28, 16 Januari 2021 (UTC)
- Badala ya kuondoa mabango yetu viongozi, saidia kurekebisha makala zenye matatizo. Amani kwako! --Riccardo Riccioni (majadiliano) 07:22, 14 Aprili 2021 (UTC)
Kuhusu Uhariri
haririSalamu sana ndugu Justine Msechu Hongera kwa jitihada zako katika uhariri ndani wa Wikipedia ya Kiswahili, jaribu sasa kupitia sana ukurasa wa mabadiliko ya karibuni ili kuona namna gani makala zako zinavyoendelea kuboreshwa , ili utumie maboresho hayo katika makala nyingine,pia pitia baadhi ya makala nyingine ili kuongeza maarifa zaidi katika uhariri, amani nyingi kwako --Idd ninga (majadiliano)
- Ndugu Jastine salam, napenda kupongeza jitihada zako za kuhariri katika wikipedia ya kiswahili, lakini kunachangamoto hapa noana leo tarehe 22.09.2022 umeamua kumwaga matini ya google translate bila wasiwasi, naomba urejee nyuma ufanye marekebisho. Asantẽ. -- Olimasy (majadiliano)
Ndugu Olimasy Tafadhali pitia tena hizo makala ulizoweka tafsiri ya kompyuuta ili kuona wapi kunashida. Asante Justine Msechu (majadiliano) 03:06, 23 Septemba 2022 (UTC)
- Shida ipo kwenye makala zote nilizoweka tafsiri ya kompyuta zoote ninauhakika na kitu ninachokwambia. Tafadhariǃ Asante. -- Olimasy (majadiliano)
Greetings to you sir Augustino Mpagwa (majadiliano) 09:20, 6 Desemba 2022 (UTC)
Viungo vyekundu
haririNdugu, naona unapenda kuondoa mabano katika maneno yasiyopata bado makala. Usifanye hivi: viungo vyekundu ni vichocheo vya uandishi wa kurasa mpya. Pia naomba unapoona sisi wakabidhi tumefanya kitu, fikiri mara mbili kabla ya kukifuta. Amani kwako! --Riccardo Riccioni (majadiliano) 09:44, 26 Mei 2021 (UTC)
Tahajia, herufi kubwa na ndogo, kutumia vyanzo
haririHabari, tafadhali angalia nilivyohariri makala ya Mnara wa Taa Wa Cap Rosa. Katika jina naomba uangalie matumizi wa herufi kubw ana ndogo. Tafuta makala kuhusu "mnara wa taa", angalia jinsi tulivyotumia herufi kubwa na ndogo. Pia haifai kabisa kutumia "Wa" badala ya "wa". Uliweza kuangalia makala ya Kiingereza na kutafuta vyanzo humo. Hata kama ziko kwenye sanduku la habari (infobox) ambayo hatuwezi kunakili. Lakini unaweza kufungua tovunye tanbihi / footnotes na kuzifungua moja-moja, kukopi URL na kuchukua habari kutoka hapa jinsi nilivyofanya. Jaribu!!! Kipala (majadiliano) 18:04, 9 Juni 2021 (UTC)
Viungo vya Ndani
haririHabari, jaribu kutazama katika makala zako,ili kuwa na makala bora zaidi, jaribu kutokurudia rudia viungo vya ndani vya jina moja makala moja, pia majina ya watu au miji, ni vizuri sana kama utawekea alama hizi hapa [[]] badala ya kuyafanya yaonekane kama italic, pia ukiandika makala moja fanya juhudi kuirudia yena kuitazama hata baada ya masaa mawili ili kuona kitu gani kimebadilika kwa ajili ya maboresho zaidi, Amani sana Kwako Idd ninga (majadiliano)
Usitafsiri hovyo, tafakari kwanza!!
haririKaka nimepitilia makala ya Uwanja wa michezo wa Gelvandale. Ni sawa ukitumia jina la Kiingereza "Gelvendale Stadium" kama hilo ni jina la kienyeji. Lakini ukitafsiri matini tafadhali utumie akili yako! Kwa kiswahili hakuna "taa za mafuriko", isipokuwa katika hali ya dharura kama mafuriko yanatokea wakati wa usiku. Mafuriko gani kwenye uwanja wa michezo? Ukikuta maneno hayo kwenye intaneti ni maneno yaliyobuniwa na programu otomatiki ambako kompyuta inajaribu kutafsiri. Usitafsiri matini usiyoelewa, na Kiingereza katika makala hiyo hujaelewa mara kadhaa. Athletic track si "vifaa vya riadha" (ni njia maalum ya kukimbia). "The stadium was previously used for professional football matches"inamaanisha: uwanji uliwahi kutumiwa kwa mechi za mpira (wa kulipwa)" - LAKINI si: "Uwanja huo hapo awali ulikuwa ukitumika kuanda mechi na chama cha mpira wa miguu." "Training venue" si ukumbi... Tafadhali fanya polepole. Unasababisha kazi nyingi kwa wengine wanaopaswa kusahihisha. Ninakushauri utunge mambo yako kwanza kwenye ukurasa mdogo wa nafasi yako ya mtumiaji, umwombe mwtu mwingine asome halafu hamisha kwenye nafasi ya makala. Ukiwa na swali, uliza! Kipala (majadiliano) 08:40, 16 Juni 2021 (UTC)
- Samahani, naona makala haikuanzishwa na wewe, kwa hiyo makosa mengi si yako kiasili. Kwa hiyo samahani kama nimetaja mambo ambayo si yako. Hata hivyo, ukipitia makala, naomba sana usinyamazte ukiona matini ambayo haieleweki, jinsi ilivyokuwa katika makala hiyo. Kipala (majadiliano) 09:20, 16 Juni 2021 (UTC)
- Shukrani kiongozi ngoja nijaribu kuzipitia zaidii na nifuraha unapokua unatukosoa tunajifunza mengi.
haririNikiangalia Uwanja wa michezo wa Naivasha naomba: Utumie lemma (jina rasmi ya makala) pia kama maneno ya kwanza ya matini yako (hapo uliandika "Uwanja wa Naivasha" tu). Halafu jina la barabara usitafsiri, kama hujui jina rasmi la Kiswahili (ninavyojua haiko). Matini yako "Barabara ya Ziwa Moi Kusini" ilileta picha kama kuna "Ziwa Moi" ambayo halipo. Kama ingetafsiriwa ingekuwa "Barabara ya Moi Ziwa Kusini" lakini sina ushuhuda kwa hiyo. Unaweza kuangalia ramani mfano https://www.google.com/maps/search/naivasha/@-0.7172697,36.4297056,17.25z utaona "Moi Avenue" inaendelea kama "Moi S. Lake Road". Halafu ukumbuke tuna lemma uwanja wa michezo, unaweza kuitumia. Ni vema ulikumbuka kuweka jamii:Viwanja vya michezo vya nchiXXX. Kipala (majadiliano) 09:52, 16 Juni 2021 (UTC)
Picha ya Ol Kalou
haririUmebandika picha inayoonyesha eneo la Rongai lakini makala inazungumzia eneo la OL Kalou na picha inayonyesha sunset ,Tazama makala hiyo hapa https://sw.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ol_Kalou, ni vyema kutumia umakini zaidi wakati wa kuweka picha ili kusiwe na mgongano kati ya makala na picha, Amani sana,
Matumizi ya ramani
haririNdugu umekopi mara kadhaa ramani kwa umbo la location map. Hii ni bure kabisa maana hazifanyi kazi kwetu. "Location map" inaleta tu ile ramani ndogo ya nchi fulani lakini hakuna nukta penye mji fulani. Heri uziondoe tena. Kipala (majadiliano) 10:47, 12 Julai 2021 (UTC)
- Nawezaje kuweka na iyo location yake?
- Huwezi. Haijaandaliwa kwetu bado. Pia ni vema ukitia sahihi ukiandika kwa alama za ~~~~. Kipala (majadiliano) 11:06, 12 Julai 2021 (UTC)
Makala hiyo ilipewa onyo la "tafsiri ya kompyuta" haikusahihishwa bado. Nadhani wewe uliianzisha, nimeipendekeza sasa kwa ufutaji. Unaweza kushiriki kwenye majadiliano. Kipala (majadiliano) 11:06, 12 Julai 2021 (UTC)
Kisiwa Cha Mongo
haririKatika makala hii hapa https://sw.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kisiwa_cha_Mongo umeweka picha inayoonyesha ramani ya bara la Afrika katika Nchi ya Congo na wakati huo makala inazungumzia mkoa uliopo Tanzania, picha za aina hii zinaondoa maana kwa watu wanaotaka kujifunza kupitia Wikipedia kwa sababu hazina uhalisia na makala, kuweni makini wakati mnapotafuta picha na kujihakikishia kwanza picha inayobandikwa inafanana na maudhui yaliyopo katika makala husika, Idd ninga (majadiliano)
City Hall si ukumbi, ni jengo la (ofisi ya) mji / manisipaa. Naomba utafakari vema unachoandika kama maelezo ya picha. Halafu swali: kwa nini hurudi kusahihisha makala zinazozajwa hapa juu? Badala yake unaongeza tu kurasa bila kujali makosa? Kipala (majadiliano) 10:13, 13 Julai 2021 (UTC) ....sikuona huo ukurasa ila nimeshabdili.
Africa Wiki Challenge 2021
haririDear --Justine Msechu (Justine Msechu) Congratulations for winning this year’s Africa Wiki Challenge. You are by this mail invited to join our 2021 Annual General Meeting and Award Ceremony on:
Date: 2nd December 2021 Time: 10:00 AM to 13:00 PM UTC via zoom. Links on our streaming will be made available to you in our next email. While waiting, is there any shop that allows online purchase to be made? Regards, Naa Tsotsoo (Naa Tsotsoo) ( talk )
Thank you so mach and yes there is online shop.
Affiliations Committee (AffCom) Member & Advisor Elections - Final Reminder for January 2022
haririTranslations are available.
This is a friendly reminder that the Affiliations Committee – which is responsible for guiding volunteers in establishing and sustaining Wikimedia chapters, thematic organizations, and user groups – is seeking new members and advisors! The deadline to post your application on the Member nomination page and Advisor nomination is 31 January 2022.
If you know somebody you think may be interested, please share and encourage them to consider applying. If you have any questions please email affcom@wikimedia.org before the application deadline or reach out to any of the current members. Good luck to all the candidates!
On behalf of the committee,
FULBERT (talk) 17:32, 25 January 2022 (UTC)
Victoria Kimani
haririNdugu, hongera kwa kazi, ila unapokuta ukurasa upo tayari, usianze upya kwa kutumia tafsiri nzima kutoka Kiingereza, ila ongezea tu. Amani kwako! --Riccardo Riccioni (majadiliano) 11:12, 18 Februari 2022 (UTC)
- Okay Asante. Justine Msechu (majadiliano) 20:27, 18 Februari 2022 (UTC)
haririNdugu, usiondoe {{reflist}} katika sehemu ya tanbihi, kwa kuwa unasababisha hizo zitokee chini mno. Ukitaka kuongeza {{mbegu}}, kwa mfano {{mbegu-mtu}}, weka tu chini ya {{reflist}}. Amani kwako! --Riccardo Riccioni (majadiliano) 06:27, 6 Machi 2022 (UTC)
- Okay nimeelewa sasa. je naweza kuziweka kwenye makala nyingine? Justine Msechu (majadiliano) 06:32, 6 Machi 2022 (UTC)
- Nakukumbusha tena namna sahihi ni kuandika hivi: == Marejeo == {{reflist}} si ==Marejeleo== bila {{reflist}}. Amani kwako! --Riccardo Riccioni (majadiliano) 08:54, 19 Machi 2022 (UTC)
- Sawa Nimekumbuka Justine Msechu (majadiliano) 09:03, 19 Machi 2022 (UTC)
- Habari ndugu Riccardo, Naomba ufwatilie account ya Mtumiaji Jumanne Mwita kwenye mabadiliko ya hivi karibuni kuna shida kidogo Justine Msechu (majadiliano) 13:11, 6 Aprili 2022 (UTC)
- Ni kweli, afadhali umuarifu Kipala aone la kufanya. Asante sana. --Riccardo Riccioni (majadiliano) 06:54, 7 Aprili 2022 (UTC)
Campaigns Product Update #3
haririHello Campaigns Product Newsletter subscribers!
We are excited to share our updates:
- Proposal to create new namespaces: We have proposed to create two namespaces, which are “Event” and “Event talk.” This way, we can easily create an Event Center that pulls data from event pages. This Event Center may include tools to create event pages with registration support, a calendar of events, and event statistics, among other features. More importantly, the Event Center will highlight organizing as an essential part of the Wikimedia movement. Please give us feedback on Phabricator or Meta about our proposal to create two new namespaces.
- Engineering updates: We are excited that we have finished hiring for our engineering team! Three engineers and an engineering manager have joined our team since our last update. In the last few months, they have conducted technical planning and launched the building phase of the project. They are now building the registration tool. You can see the updated team on meta.
- Design updates: We conducted usability tests with a small group of testers for early feedback on the desktop wireframes. After collecting this feedback, we have developed a new version for desktop wireframes, which will be ready to share in the next few weeks. These desktop wireframes display the user flow of two experiences: one for organizers who want to add registration to their event pages, and another for participants who want to register for an event. Additionally, the design team is also currently working on the first version of mobile wireframes, which will be shared during the next office hour.
- 1. View the latest desktop wireframes in Figma for Campaign Organizer Prototype and Participant Registration Prototype.
- 2. Leave us some feedback on the desktop wireframes. Note that we haven’t posted the newest version of the desktop wireframes on the project page yet, but we will soon (and you can feel free to add feedback on any version you have seen).
- Ambassador updates: Three product ambassadors for the Arabic, French and Swahili communities have now joined our team! They will help us collect feedback from Wikimedia communities about the project and understand the needs of organizers, through gathering first-hand information. These ambassadors are immersed as actual members of these communities, so they will also help us identify the needs of the organizers in our pilot communities. The ambassadors are: M. Bachounda for Arabic communities, Georges Fodouop for French communities, and Antoni Mtavangu for Swahili communities.
What is next?
- Next Office Hour: We will be holding an office hour on March 31, 2022 at 15:00 UTC, which will be conducted via Zoom. We invite everyone to attend, and we really hope to see you! The focus will be on the Registration Tool. The team will also be providing community updates on the usability test findings and design highlights for the wireframes. We will also share our current Project timeline and answer any questions you may have. Join us and share your thoughts on these developments!
- In a few months, we are expecting to have the early testable version of the tool. By then, the team will be doing the first round of general testing and gathering feedback. We are looking forward to adding more features on the tool such as communication support, potentially by the end of this year. If you know other organizers that might be interested in following these developments, please recommend that they subscribe to the newsletter. We want to receive as much feedback as we can.
Thank you!
The Campaign Product Team
MediaWiki message delivery (majadiliano) 17:26, 22 Machi 2022 (UTC)
Campaign Product Team Office Hour - March 31, 2022
haririHello Campaign Product Newsletter subscribers!
The Campaign Product Team will be hosting the next office hour to share exciting updates on the Registration Tool and new proposed namespaces for events. We will also be sharing community updates on the usability tests and design highlights of the latest mobile and desktop wireframes.
Join us and share your thoughts on these developments!
- Date: March 31, 2022
- Time: 15:00 UTC
- Zoom Link: https://wikimedia.zoom.us/j/82046580320
You may also watch Campaigns Office Hour: Introducing the Campaigns Product Team to learn more about the Team and the previous wireframes.
Feel free to send a message to ibrazal-ctr@wikimedia.org if you want to receive an email reminder for this meeting.
Thank you.
The Campaign Product Team
MediaWiki message delivery (majadiliano) 17:37, 30 Machi 2022 (UTC)
Enabling Section Translation: a new mobile translation experience
haririHello Swahili Wikipedians!
Apologies as this message is not in Swahili language, Please help translate to your language.
The WMF Language team is pleased to let you know that we will like to enable the Section translation tool in Swahili Wikipedia. For this, our team will love you to read about the tool and test it so you can:
- Give us your feedback
- Ask us questions
- Tell us how to improve it.
Below is background information about Section translation, why we have chosen your community, and how to test it.
Background information
Content Translation has been a successful tool for editors to create content in their language. More than one million articles have been created across all languages since the tool was released in 2015. The Wikimedia Foundation Language team has improved the translation experience further with the Section Translation. The WMF Language team enabled the early version of the tool in February in Bengali Wikipedia. Through their feedback, the tool was improved and ready for your community to test and help us with feedback to make it better.
Section Translation extends the capabilities of Content Translation to support mobile devices. On mobile, the tool will:
- Guide you to translate one section at a time in order to expand existing articles or create new ones.
- Make it easy to transfer knowledge across languages anytime from your mobile device.
Swahili Wikipedia seems an ideal candidate to enjoy this new tool since data shows significant mobile editing activity.
We plan to enable the tool on Swahili Wikipedia in the coming weeks if there are no objections from your community. After it is enabled, we’ll monitor the content created with the tool and process all the feedback. In any case, feel free to raise any concerns or questions you may already have in any of the following formats:
- As a reply to this message
- On the project talk page.
Try the tool
Before the enablement, you can try the current implementation of the tool in our testing instance. Once it is enabled on Swahili Wikipedia, you’ll have access to https://sw.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:ContentTranslation with your mobile device. You can select an article to translate, and machine translation will be provided as a starting point for editors to improve.
Provide feedback
Please provide feedback about Section translation in any of the formats you are most comfortable with. We want to hear about your impressions on:
- The tool
- What you think about our plans to enable it
- Your ideas for improving the tool.
Thanks, and we look forward to your feedback and questions.
UOzurumba (WMF) (majadiliano) 04:10, 14 Aprili 2022 (UTC) On behalf of the WMF Language team
PS: Sending your feedback or questions in English is particularly appreciated. But, you can still send them in the language of your choice.
Feminism and Folklore 2022 - Local prize winners
haririPlease help translate to your language
Congratulations for winning a local prize in Feminism and Folklore 2022 writing competition. Thank you for your contribution and documenting your local folk culture on Wikipedia. Please fill in your preferences before 15th of June 2022 to receive your prize. Requesting you to fill this form before the deadline to avoid disappointments.
Feel free to contact us if you need any assistance or further queries.
Best wishes,
MediaWiki message delivery (majadiliano) 07:50, 22 Mei 2022 (UTC)
Usisahau Interwiki
haririHabari Justine, naona bado unasahau wakati mwingine kuunganisha makala katika interwiki. Tafadhali ukumbuke! Ona: Wikipedia:Mwongozo_(Viungo_vya_Wikipedia)#Interwiki Kipala (majadiliano) 17:10, 2 Juni 2022 (UTC)
- Sawa kiongozi... Justine Msechu (majadiliano) 04:56, 3 Juni 2022 (UTC)
Event Registration Tool: Demo and Invitation to Test
haririHello Subscribers!
The Campaigns Product Team from the Wikimedia Foundation will be hosting two office hours to demo the new Event Registration Tool, and train organizers how to use it. In these office hours, you will learn how to:
- Create an event page in the new event namespace (as an event organizer)
- Enable registration on your event page (as an event organizer)
- Collect data on who registered for your event (as an event organizer)
- Register for an event on the event page (as an event participant)
You can attend one office hour or both, depending on your availability on the following dates:
- Session 1: Thursday, July 21, 2022 at 5:00 PM UTC
- Session 2: Saturday, July 23, 2022 at 12:00 PM UTC
These events will be multilingual, with live interpretations in Arabic, English, French, Italian, and Portuguese, and Swahili. Note that Portuguese will be available on the 21st, but not the 23rd. We strongly encourage you to join and share your feedback on the tool. Your feedback will help us improve the tool so that Wikimedians can have a better event experience. To register, please reply to this email or sign-up to our page, by adding your signature.
Thank you!
Campaign Product Team Office Hour - July 21, 2022
haririHello Campaign Product Newsletter subscribers!
The Campaign Product Team will be having an office hour today, July 21, 2022 at 17:00 UTC via Zoom to demo the first release of the Event Registration Tool.
You may join the office hour using this meeting link.
We look forward to your participation.
Thank you.
MediaWiki message delivery (majadiliano) 14:46, 21 Julai 2022 (UTC)
Jamii - usiweke maradufu
haririJustin naomba uangalie vema jamii unazotumia. sehemu ya kazi yako ya leo haisaidii. Naona mfano wa Janet Otieno ulikosa jamiim hapa umeona vema. Sasa umeongeza Jamii:Muziki nchi kwa nchi PIA Jamii:Wanamuziki nchi kwa nchi. Ila jamii kuu hapa ni muziki. Jamii zote za Wanamuziki ziko chini ya muziki. Kwa hiyo inaleta utata tu kuwaweka pande zote mbili. Tena Janet ni mwanamuziki wa Kenya. Hapa inatakiwa kumpa "Jamii:Wanamuziki wa Kenya" halafu kufungua ukurasa wa jamii hiyo (itafunguliwa mara kubofya maandishi yake) na ndani yake unaandika "Jamii:Wanamuziki nchi kwa nchi". Sifanyi hii sasa naomba usahihishe mwenyewe. Kipala (majadiliano) 09:17, 26 Julai 2022 (UTC)
- sawa nimesharekebisha Justine Msechu (majadiliano) 09:20, 26 Julai 2022 (UTC)
- Asante lakini unahitaji kupitilia zote! Mfano mwingine Mercy Chinwo umepanga (kama kote) "Jamii:Muziki nchi kwa nchi" PIA "Jamii:Wanamuziki nchi kwa nchi". Kimsingi mwanamuziki moja hatakiwi kuwepo ndani ya jamii hizi. Jamii za nchi kwa nchi zinashika vijamii kama "wanamuziki ya xxx (nchi)". Majina ya wasanii unapata baaday ndani ya vijamii hivi. Pole, hii kazi kubwa ya leo inapaswa kusafishwa kote.Kipala (majadiliano) 09:35, 26 Julai 2022 (UTC)
- Nimeanza kupitia zote lakini ningetamani unieleweshe kidogo kwenye hizi jamii na namna ya kuzitumia, maana mimi nilifanya ivyo nikiamini niko sahihi sasa ili kuondoa mkanganyiko huu ni bora tukafundishwa kabisa. Justine Msechu (majadiliano) 13:23, 26 Julai 2022 (UTC)
- Pia jaribu kupitia Mkala nyingine ili kuona zimewekewa jamii ya aina gani, mfano unapoandika makala ya Mwanamuziki fulani, kwanza angalia katika makala za wanamuziki wengine je pamewekwa jamii gani, ili isije kutokea unaandika kuhusu mwanamuziki halafu ndani yake unaweka jamii za Muziki fulani, hiyo inakuwa tofauti kabisa, na pia ili kujua zaidi unaweza kuwa unapitia katika ukurasa wa mabadiliko ya karibuni ili kuona makala ulizofanya zimewekewa maboresho ya aina gani, Amani sana Idd ninga (majadiliano) 13:42, 26 Julai 2022 (UTC)
- Asante idd, je nini maana ya vijamii vidogo? Justine Msechu (majadiliano) 13:45, 26 Julai 2022 (UTC)
- Nimekutumia link ya jamii hapa https://sw.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamii:Editathons_swwiki unaweza kuona vizuri, pia katika makala mfano kama unazungumzia watu, unaweza kuona jamii ambazo ni maarufu zaidi, ni kama zile za mwaka wa kuzaliwa, hizo unaweza ukaziingiza lakini kabla ya kuweka jamiii yeyote angalia kama inaendana na makala husika, Amani sana Idd ninga (majadiliano) 13:54, 26 Julai 2022 (UTC)
- Asante idd, je nini maana ya vijamii vidogo? Justine Msechu (majadiliano) 13:45, 26 Julai 2022 (UTC)
- Pia jaribu kupitia Mkala nyingine ili kuona zimewekewa jamii ya aina gani, mfano unapoandika makala ya Mwanamuziki fulani, kwanza angalia katika makala za wanamuziki wengine je pamewekwa jamii gani, ili isije kutokea unaandika kuhusu mwanamuziki halafu ndani yake unaweka jamii za Muziki fulani, hiyo inakuwa tofauti kabisa, na pia ili kujua zaidi unaweza kuwa unapitia katika ukurasa wa mabadiliko ya karibuni ili kuona makala ulizofanya zimewekewa maboresho ya aina gani, Amani sana Idd ninga (majadiliano) 13:42, 26 Julai 2022 (UTC)
- Nimeanza kupitia zote lakini ningetamani unieleweshe kidogo kwenye hizi jamii na namna ya kuzitumia, maana mimi nilifanya ivyo nikiamini niko sahihi sasa ili kuondoa mkanganyiko huu ni bora tukafundishwa kabisa. Justine Msechu (majadiliano) 13:23, 26 Julai 2022 (UTC)
- Asante lakini unahitaji kupitilia zote! Mfano mwingine Mercy Chinwo umepanga (kama kote) "Jamii:Muziki nchi kwa nchi" PIA "Jamii:Wanamuziki nchi kwa nchi". Kimsingi mwanamuziki moja hatakiwi kuwepo ndani ya jamii hizi. Jamii za nchi kwa nchi zinashika vijamii kama "wanamuziki ya xxx (nchi)". Majina ya wasanii unapata baaday ndani ya vijamii hivi. Pole, hii kazi kubwa ya leo inapaswa kusafishwa kote.Kipala (majadiliano) 09:35, 26 Julai 2022 (UTC)
Sasa twende polepole. Muziki ni jamii yenye makala nyingi chini yake. Haisaidii ukifungua jamii na kupata makala mamia au maelfu. Hivyo makala zake hupangwa kwa vijamii (sub-categories). Ukitaka kumweka mwanamuziki moja, anaingia katika "Jamii:Wanamuziki wa xxx (nchi)" (pamoja na hayo angeweza kuingia pia katika jamii kama wanamuziki wa Jazz, klassiki ya Ulaya, tarumpeta, gospel - lakini nadhani hatuna hizo hadi sasa). ASIPANGWE katika "Jamii:Muziki" (jinsi ulivyofanya), maana "Wanamuziki nchi kwa nchi" wamo katika Jamii:Muziki.
Nichukue mfano wa Baby Gloria. Ni mtu wa Uganda. BAsi anapaswa kuingia katika "Jamii:Wanamuziki wa Uganda". Haiko bado. Lakini mara ukiiweka chini ya makala yake, umeshaianzisha. Ukianzisha, unapaswa kuiunganisha katika mfumo wa jamii. Kawaida ungefungua ukurasa wa "Jamii:Wanamuziki wa Uganda". Ndani yake unaweka sasa viungo 2 vya mabano mraba: 1) "Jamii:Wanamuziki nchi kwa nchi" (sasa jamii hii ya wanamuziki wa Uganda itaonekana katika ukurasa wa "Wanamuziki nchi kwa nchi"). 2) Halafu unaweka "Jamii:Watu wa Uganda" na sasa wanamuziki wa Uganda wanaonekana pia hapa. -- Halafu afadhali kuhamisha makala kwa jina lake la kiraia Gloria Mulungi Senyonjo na kusahihisha matini pia. #
Lakini kwa idadi kubwa ya nchi tunazo vijamii hivi tayari. Kama haviko, basi anzisha. Kipala (majadiliano) 14:51, 26 Julai 2022 (UTC)
- Asante kwa ufafanuzi apo nimekuelewa na nitawaelekeza na wengine kwa sababu wengi wetu bado hatuna elimu kamili ya hizi jamii. Justine Msechu (majadiliano) 18:27, 26 Julai 2022 (UTC)
Campaigns Product Update #4
haririHello Campaigns Product Newsletter subscribers!
We are excited to share our updates:
- Event Registration v0
- We have successfully launched Event Registration tool V0 on beta cluster and collected feedback from the first batch of testers. This tool is part of a more comprehensive organizing solution, the Event Center, which hopes to support movement organizers. Through this registration solution, organizers can collect useful data on campaign participants and their needs while respecting participant privacy.
- Testing update. In our first round of feedback collection, testers were composed of different types of organizers around the movement with a language focus on Arabic, French, English, and Swahili communities. Most of the testers successfully created their test event registrations and signed up for a test event registration created by other organizers. Simple, easy to use, and aids in managing event participants were the common feedback we received from first-time users. In contrast, access and proper localization of the tool were the points for improvement identified. We are working on V1, which will include communication support and integration with the Programs and Event Dashboard. This will be released on Meta-Wiki soon. We hope to address accessibility during this launch and improve localization problems once the tool has been deployed in local wikiprojects.
- The tool is still available for testing on the beta cluster. Feel free to leave feedback on our project talk page or this form.
- Organizer LabLooking for a way to learn how to effectively organize around sustainability? Join the beta version of the Organizer Lab on WikiLearn to understand how to effectively organize a global campaign around sustainability and climate change! Applications are open from September 22 - October 19, 2022. The Organizer Lab will be a 9-week online learning experience from the end of October until mid December that prepares participants to obtain knowledge about the topics that they wish to create, a call to action for strategic knowledge gaps, as well as more generalized Wikimedia organizing and campaign/event design skills.
What's Next:
- Organizer Lab Information Session. We invite you to join our information session for the Organizer Lab on September 30, 2022 at 14:00 UTC via Zoom. Join this session!
- Organizer User Rights. We are reaching out to a pool of administrators from Arabic, French and Swahili communities to collect feedback on what is the best way to define organizer user rights, what privileges to give to community organizers, and what are the limitations of these privileges. Feel free to reach out to our product ambassadors or send an email to ibrazal-ctr@wikimedia.org if you are interested to be part of these conversations.
Community Feedback:
- French Organizer
“I think that the platform will facilitate the process of promoting events and searching for participants”
- Arabic Organizer
Thank you!
The Campaigns Product Team
MediaWiki message delivery (majadiliano) 06:30, 21 Septemba 2022 (UTC)
- Thank you for the opportunity and i would like to be part of the selected team but how will I apply?. Justine Msechu (majadiliano) 13:09, 22 Septemba 2022 (UTC)
Campaigns Product Team Office Hour - December 2022
haririHello Campaigns Product Newsletter subscribers!
The Wikimedia Foundation Campaigns Team invites you to join our upcoming office hours. In each session, we will introduce V1 of Event Registration Tool, so you can begin using it for real events on Meta-wiki.
In V1, the following new features will be includedː
- Support for the organizer to specify an event timezone
- Automatic confirmation emails after participants have registered
- Private registration: the option for participants to register and only display their registered username to organizers of the event and we will teach you how you can use it yourself.
Office Hour Sessions:
- 1st Session: December 5, 2022 @ 18:00 UTC via Zoom
- 2nd Session: December 10, 2022 @ 12:00 UTC via Zoom
These office hours will be multilingual, with live interpretations in Arabic, English, French, and Swahili. Email us @ ibrazal-ctr@wikimedia.org or sign-up here if you want to receive a reminder for this meeting.
Thank you.
The Campaigns Product Team
Invitation to organize Feminism and Folklore 2023
haririDear Justine Msechu,
Christmas Greetings and a Happy New Year 2023,
You are humbly invited to organize the Feminism and Folklore 2023 writing competition from February 1, 2023, to March 31, 2023. This year, Feminism and Folklore will focus on feminism, women's issues, and gender-focused topics for the project, with a Wiki Loves Folklore gender gap focus and a folk culture theme on Wikipedia.
You can help Wikipedia's coverage of folklore from your area by writing or improving articles about things like folk festivals, folk dances, folk music, women and queer folklore figures, folk game athletes, women in mythology, women warriors in folklore, witches and witch hunting, fairy tales, and more. Users can help create new articles, expand or translate from a list of suggested articles.
Organisers are requested to work on the following action items to sign up their communities for the project:
- Create a page for the contest on the local wiki.
- Set up a fountain tool or dashboard.
- Create the local list and mention the timeline and local and international prizes.
- Request local admins for site notice.
- Link the local page and the fountain/dashboard link on the meta project page.
This year we would be supporting the community's financial aid for Internet and childcare support. This would be provided for the local team including their jury and coordinator team. This support is opt-in and non mandatory. Kindly fill in this Google form and mark a mail to support@wikilovesfolklore.org with the subject line starting as [Stipend] Name or Username/Language. The last date to sign up for internet and childcare aid from our team is 20th of January 2023, We encourage the language coordinators to sign up their community on this link by the 25th of January 2023.
Learn more about the contest and prizes on our project page. Feel free to contact us on our meta talk page or by email us if you need any assistance.
We look forward to your immense coordination.
Thank you and Best wishes,
--MediaWiki message delivery (majadiliano) 10:11, 24 Desemba 2022 (UTC)
Translations for Wikimania 2023
haririHi Justine Msechu,
You are receiving this notification because you have listed yourself as a volunteer for Wikimania 2023 either on Meta or on Wikimania wiki. We already have a few pages related to Wikimania 2023 available for translation on Wikimania wiki. Your help with translating these pages in your languages would be highly appreciated. Currently the following pages are available for translation:
- wikimania:2023:Contact
- wikimania:2023:Expo space
- wikimania:2023:Glossary
- wikimania:2023:Ideas
- wikimania:2023:Ideas/Globe
- wikimania:2023:Organizers
- wikimania:2023:Program
- wikimania:2023:Travel
- wikimania:2023:Updates
- wikimania:2023:Volunteer
- wikimania:2023:Volunteer signup
- wikimania:2023:Wikimania
- wikimania:Template:Wikimania 2023 header
If you do not want to reiceive further notifications about pages related to Wikimania 2023, which are available for translation, you may remove your name from this list.
Thanks for your help! --Ameisenigel (talk)
This message was delivered through [[<tvar name="mass-delivery">Special:MyLanguage/Global message delivery</tvar>|Global message delivery]] --MediaWiki message delivery (majadiliano) 14:14, 28 Desemba 2022 (UTC)
Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - December 2022 Newsletter
- January 15: Online user group meeting (SDG all)
- Wiki Loves Plants (SDG 15)
- 365 climate edits (SDG 13)
- Women in Climate Change 2022 (SDG 5 & 13)
- New Book: Open Mapping Towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDG all)
Featured content
- English Wikipedia: List of alismatid families (SDG 15)
New Wikidata properties
- has biological vector (SDG 15)
- Bureau of Meteorology location ID (SDG 13)
- CIViC gene ID (SDG 3)
- Biographical Dictionary of the Australian Senate ID (SDG 16)
- Tanzania Parliament member ID (SDG 16)
- Lygaeoidea Species File ID (SDG 15)
This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 14:37, 1 Januari 2023 (UTC) • Contribute • Manage subscription
Translations for Wikimania 2023
haririHi Justine Msechu,
You are receiving this notification because you have listed yourself as a volunteer for Wikimania 2023 either on Meta or on Wikimania wiki or because you have subscribed on Meta. We already have a few pages related to Wikimania 2023 available for translation on Wikimania wiki. Your help with translating the following pages in your languages would be highly appreciated:
- wikimania:2023:Health
- wikimania:2023:Scholarship Questions
- wikimania:2023:Scholarships
- wikimania:2023:Scholarships/FAQ
- wikimania:2023:Scholarships/Samples
- wikimania:2023:Scholarships/Travel Scholarship application
- wikimania:2023:Tech Subcommittee
- wikimania:2023:Tech Subcommittee/Request for Proposal
- wikimania:2023:Visas
If you do not want to reiceive further notifications about pages related to Wikimania 2023, which are available for translation, you may remove your name from this list.
Thanks for your help! --Ameisenigel (talk)
This message was delivered through Global message delivery --MediaWiki message delivery (majadiliano) 14:50, 22 Januari 2023 (UTC)
Request for filling up Google Form for Feminism and Folklore 2023
haririGreetings Organisers,
We appreciate your enthusiasm for Feminism and Folklore and your initiative in setting up the competition on your local wikipedia. We would want to learn more about the needs of your community and for that please fill out the google form (here) as soon as possible so that we can plan and adapt the demands according to your specifications. By February 8, 2023, all entries for this form will be closed. Do share about the contest on your local Wikipedia. Ask your local administrator to add Feminism and Folklore to Mediawiki:Sitenotice. Create your own or see an example on meta
Also a reminder regarding the prior Google form sent for Internet and Childcare Support Financial Aid (this). Anyone who hasn't already filled it out has until February 5, 2023 to do so.
Feel free to contact us via talkpage if you have any questions or concerns.
Thanks and Regards,
Feminism and Folklore 2023 International Team
MediaWiki message delivery (majadiliano) 14:41, 30 Januari 2023 (UTC)
Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - January 2023 Newsletter
- Upcoming: 19 February - User group meeting (SDG all)
- Past: 15 January - User group meeting (SDG all)
- Ongoing: Wiki Loves Plants (SDG 14)
- Ongoing: 365 climate edits (SDG 13)
- Upcoming: The 2023 Bug of the Year Edit-a-thon (SDG 14)
- Past: Lexeme challenge Urology (SDG 3)
- Past: Swedish Wikipedia weekly challenge - Frogs versus lizards (SDG 14)
- Past: Three hundred episodes of Critter of the Week (SDG 14)
- Past: Wikidata Queries around the SARS-CoV-2 virus and pandemic (SDG 3)
- Past: Women in Climate Change 2022 (SDG 5 & 13)
- The stories behind the Wiki Loves Earth 2022 photos from Türkiye (SDG 14)
- Announcing our funding support from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) (SDG 3)
- Jumping for science: how Wikipedia assignments inspire STEM students (SDG 14)
- Birds of NYC Photo Contest Winners announced! (SDG 14)
- Using Wikidata to Connect Constituents With Their Government (SDG 16)
- Wiki Loves Earth 2022 presents the winners of the special nomination “Human rights and environment”! (SDG 10 & 14)
- Equity, diversity & inclusion in affiliate governance (SDG 5 & 10)
- Editor uses Wikidata to find new uses for existing drugs and speed up approval process for new treatments (SDG 3)
- WikiForHumanRights Information Session (SDG 10)
Featured content
- English Wikipedia: List of birds of Tuvalu (SDG 14)
- English Wikipedia: List of World Heritage Sites in Laos (SDG 11)
- English Wikipedia: List of World Heritage Sites in Bangladesh (SDG 11)
New Wikidata properties
- NIP (SDG 16)
- NSR doctor ID (SDG 3)
- UniProt disease ID (SDG 3)
- Strazha ID (SDG 16)
- United States House of Representatives ID (SDG 16)
This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 16:25, 1 Februari 2023 (UTC) • Contribute • Manage subscription
Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - February 2023 Newsletter
- 2023-03-05 User group meeting (SDG all)
- Wikimedians_for_Sustainable_Development/Next_meeting (SDG all)
- Ongoing: 365 climate edits (SDG 13)
- Ongoing: Suggest "Environmental sustainability and climate crisis" topics for Wikimania (SDG all)
- Ongoing: Africa Environment WikiFocus (SDG 13)
- Past: Edit for Climate Change: Wikipedia Editathon (SDG 13)
- Past: WikiForHumanRights 2023 Campaign: Capacity Building Sessions on "Tools for Finding the Right Articles" and "Building Article List with Petscan" (SDG 10 & 13)
- Past: WikiForHumanRights 2023 Campaign: Regional Office Hours for Africa and Maghreb Regions (SDG 10 & 13)
- 3000 Arctic images (SDG 13)
- SMART-Servier Medical Art upload (SDG 3)
New Wikidata properties
- Norwegian war prisoner detention camp ID (SDG 16)
- Iowa legislator ID (SDG 16)
- National Grid Balancing Mechanism unit ID (SDG 7)
Wikidata query examples
- Map of disasters by type (SDG 11)
Featured articles
- English Wikipedia: South Asian river dolphin (SDG 14)
- English Wikipedia: List of World Heritage Sites in Sri Lanka (SDG 11)
- English Wikipedia: List of lamiid families (SDG 15)
- Featured images
Three horses (SDG 15)
Hunter baby chameleon (SDG 15)
Rice paper butterfly (SDG 15)
Lasiocampa quercus 4th instar caterpillar Keila (top view) (SDG 15)
Lasiocampa quercus 4th instar caterpillar Keila (side view).jpg (SDG 15)
Mockingbird on the North Lake Trail (SDG 15)
Striated Pardalote (SDG 15)
Wiesenvögelchen (SDG 15)
Herring gull (SDG 15)
Northern shoveler (SDG 15)
This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 18:57, 1 Machi 2023 (UTC) • Contribute • Manage subscription
Translations for Wikimania 2023
haririHi Justine Msechu,
You are receiving this notification because you have listed yourself as a volunteer for Wikimania 2023 either on Meta or on Wikimania wiki or because you have subscribed on Meta. Your help with translating the following pages on Wikimania wiki in your languages would be highly appreciated:
- wikimania:2023:Attendees
- wikimania:2023:Program Subcommittee
- wikimania:2023:Program/FAQ
- wikimania:2023:Program/Form Questions
- wikimania:2023:Program/Submissions
- wikimania:2023:Satellite events
- wikimania:2023:Scholarship Subcommittee
- wikimania:2023:Socialize
- wikimania:2023:Travel Coordination
If you do not want to reiceive further notifications about pages related to Wikimania 2023, which are available for translation, you may remove your name from this list.
Thanks for your help! --Ameisenigel (talk)
This message was delivered through Global message delivery --MediaWiki message delivery (majadiliano) 09:40, 4 Machi 2023 (UTC)
Feminism and Folklore 2023 has been extended
haririGreetings Organizers,
Greetings from Feminism and Folklore International Team,
We are pleased to inform you that Feminism and Folklore an international writing contest on your local Wikipedia has been extended till the 15th of April 2023. This is the last chance of the year to write about feminism, women biographies and gender-focused topics such as folk festivals, folk dances, folk music, folk activities, folk games, folk cuisine, folk wear, fairy tales, folk plays, folk arts, folk religion, mythology, folk artists, folk dancers, folk singers, folk musicians, folk game athletes, women in mythology, women warriors in folklore, witches and witch hunting, fairy tales and more
We would like to have your immense participation in the writing contest to document your local Folk culture on Wikipedia. You can also help with the translation of project pages and share a word in your local language.
Organizers have been notified some instructions on mail. Please get in touch via email if you need any assistance.
Best wishes,
International Team Feminism and Folklore. --MediaWiki message delivery (majadiliano) 04:28, 30 Machi 2023 (UTC)
Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - March 2023 Newsletter
- Upcoming: User group meeting 2023-04-02 (SDG all)
- Past: User group meeting 2023-03-05 (SDG all)
- Ongoing: 365 climate edits (SDG 13)
- Upcoming: WikiForHumanRights (SDG 10 & 13)
- Upcoming: April 19 - LaGuardia Community College Earth Day Translatathon with Casa de las Américas NYC (SDG 13)
- Upcoming: April 22 - Earth Day 2023 Edit-a-thon Environment of Brooklyn Focus with Sure We Can (SDG 13)
- Upcoming: April 23 - Earth Day Wiknic NYC (SDG 13)
- Past: Gender and culture related event to test image suggestions on Wikipedia (SDG 5)
- Past: Feminism and Folklore 2023 (SDG 5)
- Past: Art+Feminism edit-a-thon for Nigerian female artists (SDG 5)
- Putting our energy into Wikipedia as climate action (SDG 13)
- How Art+Feminism is using Wikipedia to promote equity in the art world (SDG 5)
- Biodiversity Heritage Library and Wikidata (SDG 15)
- Black history month and more (SDG 10)
- Women Do News: Tackling the Gender Divide in Journalism Through Wikipedia (SDG 5)
- Wiki Loves Earth 2023 is starting! (SDG 15)
- The Quest to Close the Gender Gap on Wikipedia Continues; Five-Year Anniversary with Feminism & Folklore (SDG 5)
- WikiGap Malaysia 2023: Empowering women in indigenous languages (SDG 5)
- Wikipedia has a climatetech problem (SDG 13)
New Wikidata properties
- NCI Drug Dictionary ID (SDG 3)
- Malaysia Federal Legislation act ID (SDG 16)
- Moscow University Herbarium ID (SDG 15)
- Norwegian Petroleum Directorate field ID (SDG 13)
Featured content
- English Wikipedia: List of Saxifragales families (SDG 15)
- English Wikipedia: Red-throated wryneck (SDG 15)
- Featured images
Ourapteryx yerburii ssp. specimens and male genitalia (SDG 15)
Pterophorus pentadactyla (SDG 15)
Wood duck drake (SDG 15)
Cardinal (SDG 15)
Bunten Kronwicke (Securigera varia) (SDG 15)
Sympetrum sanguineum (SDG 15)
Crocus tommasinianus (SDG 15)
Papaya - longitudinal section close-up view (SDG 15)
Aphantopus hyperantus (SDG 15)
Australian Zebra Finch (SDG 15)
Melospiza melodia (SDG 15)
Roadside hawk (Rupornis magnirostris griseocauda) eating speckled racer (Drymobius margaritiferus) (SDG 15)
Black iguana (Ctenosaura similis) (SDG 15)
Cerastis rubricosa caterpillar (side view) (SDG 15)
Cerastis rubricosa caterpillar (dorsal view) (SDG 15)
Frühlings-Knotenblume (Leucojum vernum) (SDG 15)
Ocellated turkey (Meleagris ocellata) male (SDG 15)
Geoffroy's spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi yucatanensis) (SDG 15)
Ophiopogon planiscapus (SDG 15)
Protaetic cuprea ignicollis (SDG 15)
Monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus plexippus) (SDG 15)
Cepaea nemoralis (SDG 15)
Crepis biennis (SDG 15)
Keel-billed toucan (Ramphastos sulfuratus sulfuratus) on foxtail palm (Wodyetia bifurcata) (SDG 15)
Trifolium spadiceum (SDG 15)
This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 07:42, 1 Aprili 2023 (UTC) • Contribute • Manage subscription
Feminism and Folklore 2023 has ended, What's Next?
haririDear Justine Msechu,
Feminism and Folklore 2023 writing competition has ended. We thank you for organizing it on your local Wikipedia and help in document folk cultures and women in folklore in different regions of the world on Wikipedia. What's next?
- Please complete the jury on or before 15th of May 2023.
- Email us on support@wikilovesfolklore.org the Wiki usernames of top three users with most accepted articles in local contest.
- Write the information about the winners on the projects Meta Wiki Results page
- You can also put the names of the winners on your local project page.
- We will be contacting the winners in phased manner for distribution of prizes.
Feel free to contact us via mail or talkpage if you need any help, clarification or assistance.
Thanks and regards,
International Team
Feminism and Folklore
Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - April 2023 Newsletter
- Upcoming: User group meeting 2023-05-07 (SDG all)
- Past: User group meeting 2023-04-02 (SDG all)
- Ongoing: 365 climate edits (SDG 13)
- Ongoing: WikiForHumanRights 2023 International Writing Contest (SDG 13, 14, 6)
- Ongoing: WikiForHumanRights 2023 local community events (SDG 13, 15, 14, 6)
- Ongoing: WikiCampusTourNigeria Project (SDG 6, 13, 14, 15)
- Upcoming (and past): Women, architecture and design (SDG 5)
- Past: WikiGap Tirana 2023, Albania (SDG 5)
- Past: BBC 100 women editathon (SDG 5)
- Past: WikiGAP in Prishtina (SDG 5)
- Past: 15 Days of French women writers (SDG 5)
- Past: TSU USF Women's History Month Wikipedia Edit-a-thon (SDG 5)
- Past: Crafting a Better Wikipedia: Women of Color in the Renwick Gallery (SDG 5)
- TUSWUG S2E2: Women in Wiki (SDG 5)
- Inaugural edition of the organizer lab awards – 6 community grants (SDG 5 & SDG 13)
- Bolstering women’s voices and histories on Wikipedia (SDG 5)
- A huge upload for biologists (SDG 15)
- WikiForHumanRights 2023 Launch Webinar (SDG 13, 14, 6)
- WikiForHumanRights 2023 and WMF Human Rights Team Online Safety Capacity Building for Organizers (SDG 13)
- WikiForHummanRights 2023 and Let's Connect Capacity building on good practices for retention (SDG 13)
- Living through a Triple Planetary Emergency: Capturing the Most Impactful Knowledge to Weather the Storm (SDG 10 & SDG 13)
- Wikimedia Foundation Environmental Sustainability Report for 2022 (SDG 13)
- Wikimedia Sverige sustainability report 2022 (in Swedish) (SDG 13)
New Wikidata properties
- student retention rate (SDG 4)
- INEP ID (SDG 4) [51]
- Kulturenvanteri.com ID (SDG 11)
- holds diplomatic passport of (SDG 16)
- SINTA affiliation ID (SDG 4)
Featured content
- English Wikipedia: List of afrosoricids (SDG 15)
- Featured images
Ara macao cyanopterus (SDG 15)
Leptura quadrifasciata (SDG 15)
Bursa lamarckii (SDG 15)
Ara macao cyanopterus (SDG 15)
Chlamydera guttata (SDG 15)
Sitta carolinensis (SDG 15)
Pumpkin field (SDG 2)
Diglossa baritula & Canna indica (SDG 15)
Acer platanoides (SDG 15)
Amazilia rutila (SDG 15)
Passiflora edulis (SDG 15)
Melanerpes aurifrons (SDG 15)
Argiope versicolor (SDG 15)
Allium ursinum (SDG 15)
Platanus x hispanica (SDG 15)
Thymelicus lineola (SDG 15)
Acer palmatum (SDG 15) [38]
Falco tinnunculus (SDG 15) [39]
Zalophus californianus (SDG 15) [40]
Acer pseudoplatanus (SDG 15)
Tamarindus indica (SDG 15)
Sciurus carolinensis (SDG 15) [43]
Tyrannus savana monachus (SDG 15)
Rapa incurva (SDG 15)
Trigona sp. (SDG 15)
This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 19:31, 2 Mei 2023 (UTC) • Contribute • Manage subscription
Watumiaji wapya wanaotumia tafsiri kompyuta
haririHabari Justine, nimeona onyo uliyoandika kwa Mtumiaji:Samuel mbabhazi. Asante kwa kuwa macho. Ila kuhusu maonyo bila hatua kamili - nashauri utafakari. Mara nyingi sana hao watu hawajibu. Wengine wanarudia mtindo uleule. Ila baada ya siku kadhaa si rahisi kukumbuka kama umeshajadiliana na fulani au la. Au humwoni. Hivyo tuliwahi kushauriana hivyo: ukiwa na uhakika alitumia googe translate, na tokeo ni Kiswahili kibaya (jinsi ilivyo katika makala hiyo) heri kumzuia mchangiaji moja kwa moja, na kumwambia atarudishwa A) akijibu na B) akiendelea kuhariri wa muda katika nafasi yake ya mtumiaji hadi itakapoonekana amezoea. Hapa tumeandaa "{{kigezo:zuia tafsiri}}" ambako tunaongeza kwa mkono makala yenye kasoo. Kipala (majadiliano) 01:01, 7 Mei 2023 (UTC)
- Asante ndugu @Kipala nimekuelewa Justine Msechu (majadiliano) 10:20, 10 Mei 2023 (UTC)
Feminism and Folklore 2023 - A Heartfelt Appreciation for Your Impactful Contribution!
haririPlease help translate to your language
Dear Wikimedian,
We extend our sincerest gratitude to you for making an extraordinary impact in the Feminism and Folklore 2023 writing competition. Your remarkable dedication and efforts have been instrumental in bridging cultural and gender gaps on Wikipedia. We are truly grateful for the time and energy you've invested in this endeavor.
As a token of our deep appreciation, we'd love to send you a special postcard. It serves as a small gesture to convey our immense thanks for your involvement in the competition. To ensure you receive this token of appreciation, kindly fill out this form by August 15th, 2023.
Looking ahead, we are thrilled to announce that we'll be hosting Feminism and Folklore in 2024. We eagerly await your presence in the upcoming year as we continue our journey to empower and foster inclusivity.
Once again, thank you for being an essential part of our mission to promote feminism and preserve folklore on Wikipedia.
With warm regards,
Feminism and Folklore International Team.
--MediaWiki message delivery (majadiliano) 18:37, 25 Julai 2023 (UTC)
Organizer Tools Office Hours & Event Discovery Project
hariri(Lire ce message en français); (Ver este mensaje en español); (Angalia ujumbe huu kwa Kiswahili); (إقرأ هذه الرسالة بالعربي) Please help translate to your language .
The Campaigns team at the Wikimedia Foundation has some updates to share with you, which are:
We invite you to attend our upcoming community office hours to learn about organizer tools, including the Event registration tool (which has new and upcoming features). The office hours are on the following dates, and you can join one or both of them:
- Saturday, October 7 at 12:00 UTC (Register here)
- Languages available: Arabic, English, French, Swahili
- Tuesday, October 10 at 18:00 UTC (Register here).
- Languages available: Arabic, English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Swahili
We have launched a new project: Event Discovery. This project aims to make it easier for editors to learn about campaign events. We need your help to understand how you would like to discover events on the wikis, so that we can create a useful solution. Please share your feedback on our project talk page.
- Thank you, and we hope to see you at the upcoming office hours!
MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 19:54, 24 Septemba 2023 (UTC)
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Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - December 2023 Newsletter
haririDear Wikimedians for Sustainable Development,
As we bid farewell to 2023, we reflect on a year that has been an uneven year for our user group. While the journey has been marked by some truly inspiring events, most of our efforts have been largely uncoordinated and the user group hasn't been the support it could have been. Yet, there's a glimmer of hope and a world of potential for 2024.
Highlights of 2023:
- Newsletters Galore
- We kicked off the year with zeal, sharing updates and inspiration through four newsletters. The number of things happening in the movement is astounding, but we need to rethink the format of the newsletter going into the next year.
- Growing Strong
- The Wikimedians for Sustainable Development family welcomed 33 new members in 2023. Your passion and dedication continue to inspire us, and we look forward to nurturing this community spirit in the year ahead.
- Wikimania Talks
- Our voices echoed far and wide at Wikimania, where several members of our community took the virtual stage to share insights and ideas about everything from Wikipedians-in-Residence's to open data. Your contributions showcased our commitment to sustainable development on a global scale.
- Content Creation Magic
- Throughout the year, our extended community demonstrated incredible dedication to expanding the knowledge base on Wikipedia. Countless hours were spent creating and curating content that aligns with our mission, contributing to a more sustainable digital ecosystem.
- Campaigning hard
- We saw a large variety of campaigns, from writing challenges to editathons. The willingness to experiment with new formats and partners, as well as learning from past efforts, shows great promise for the future.
Acknowledging Challenges:
While we celebrate these achievements, we acknowledge that 2023 presented its fair share of challenges. A lack of global coordination reminded us that the road to sustainable development is not always linear. However, it is precisely these challenges that fuel our determination to work together more cohesively in the coming year and proof that the user group is needed.
Hopeful Anticipation for 2024:
As we turn the page to 2024, let's carry forward the lessons learned and the successes celebrated. We are optimistic that, with renewed energy and a collective commitment, we will overcome obstacles and create an even more impactful and connected Wikimedians for Sustainable Development community.
Here's to a year of collaboration, growth, and making a lasting impact on the world through our shared passion for sustainability. Together, we can turn challenges into opportunities and pave the way for a brighter future.
Wishing you all a joyous holiday season and a Happy New Year!
Warm regards, User:Ainali, User:Daniel Mietchen
PS. We have started writing our yearly report, please add your activities to it.
This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 17:43, 1 Januari 2024 (UTC) • Contribute • Manage subscription
Invitation to Organize Feminism and Folklore 2024 Writing Competition
haririDear Justine Msechu,
Hope you are doing well, Wishing you a Happy New Year!.
We extend a heartfelt invitation to you to organize the Feminism and Folklore 2024 writing competition, which is scheduled to take place from February 1, 2024, to March 31, 2024. This year's edition of Feminism and Folklore will concentrate on feminism, women's issues, and gender-focused topics, aligning with a Wiki Loves Folklore gender gap focus and featuring a folk culture theme on Wikipedia.
This year we have created two new Tools for the Feminism and Folklore project. The tool is called Campwiz. This tool is created by the international Tech team of Wiki Loves Folkore especially crafted for Feminism and Folklore project. The tool works as same as fountain or dashboard but has extra abilities required for jury and submission of articles.
To create a new campaign on Campwiz, organizers to follow these steps:
- Go to the tool link: https://tools.wikilovesfolklore.org/
- Select your wiki on which you want to organize the campaign (enter the name or short code, such as "sw" for Kiswahili Wikipedia).
- Give your campaign a name example "Feminism and Folklore 2024 on Kiswahili Wikipedia)".
- Select the start and end dates (note: keep your start date as Feb 1 and end date as March 31).
- Provide a description for your campaign (you can briefly describe the campaign in this section).
- Make sure to keep the checkboxes ticked for "Allow users to submit articles that were not created but expanded." if you want to use the campaign for expanded articles also.
- Keep minimum added bytes as 4000 and minimum added words as 400 and click next.
- In the jury section, keep the checkboxes ticked for "Allow jury members to participate in the campaign" and "Prevent jury members from seeing each other's votes." As per your preference.
- Under the jury search box, type the username of your jury and click on the "+" button to add; you can add multiple jury members.
- Click next to review and then click on save.
With this we have also created a Missing article tool. This tool identifies articles in the English Wikipedia that are absent from your native language Wikipedia. You can customize your selection criteria, and our tool will provide you with a table displaying the missing articles along with suggested titles. You also have the option to download the list in both CSV and wikitable formats.
Both tools, the Missing Article Tool and the Campwiz Tool, are now available for public use during the Feminism and Folklore campaign. You can find more information about these tools here: https://tools.wikilovesfolklore.org/
There are also some changes in the rules and criteria's. Please go through the rules below.
- Minimum Length: The expanded or new article should have a minimum of 4000 bytes or 400 words, ensuring sufficient depth and coverage of the chosen topic. The local organizers are free to choose the minimum length criteria as per needs of their local Wikipedia and must be clearly mention on local project page.
- Language Quality: Articles should not be poorly machine-translated, ensuring that language quality and readability are maintained at a high standard.
- Timeline of Creation or Expansion: The article should be created or expanded between 1 February and 31 March, aligning with the specified contest timeline.
- Theme Relevance: Articles should directly address the theme of feminism and folklore, exploring connections between gender, cultural traditions, and intangible heritage.
- No Orphaned Articles: Articles must not be orphaned, meaning they should be linked from at least one other article to ensure visibility within the Wikipedia ecosystem.
- No Copyright violations: There should be no copyright violations, and articles should adhere to local Wikipedia policies on notability, ensuring that the content meets the standards for notability.
- Adequate references and Citations: Each article should include proper references and citations following local Wikipedia policies, ensuring the reliability and credibility of the information presented.
Learn more about the contest details and prizes on our project page here. Should you require any assistance, please feel free to contact us on our meta talk page or via email.
We eagerly anticipate your enthusiastic coordination and participation in Feminism and Folklore 2024.
Thank you and Best wishes,
Feminism and Folklore 2024 International Team
--MediaWiki message delivery (majadiliano) 06:51, 18 Januari 2024 (UTC)
Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - January 2024 Newsletter
hariri- User group news
- We have submitted our 2023 annual report.
- Upcoming meeting: on 9 February, we'll have a call about roles and responsibilities in the user group. This is an attempt to make more opportunities to engage more of the user groups members in its activities. If you want to help out in some way, but don't know how, this is a meeting for you to get help creating that opportunity. If you know how you would like to help, but don't know how to get started, this is also the meeting for you.
- Other news
- New Wikiproject for Climate Change on Basque Wikipedia: Wikiproiektu Klima Aldaketa
- Climate Justice, Digital Rights and Indigenous Voices international Wikimedia event in Huaraz, Peru 2024: Engagement Survey (closes 2 Feb)
This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 20:22, 2 Februari 2024 (UTC) • Contribute • Manage subscription
Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - February 2024 Newsletter
hariri- User group news
- On 9 February, we had a user group meeting on roles and responsibilities (minutes)
- Upcoming user group meeting 17 March
- Other news
- Wiki Loves Earth: Reminder that if you want to organize a local competition, it is time to get started. (SDG 15 and 14)
- Wiki for Human Rights: Reminder that if you would like to organize a local event, there is support available. (SDG 10)
- Study: Using Wikipedia Pageview Data to Investigate Public Interest in Climate Change at a Global Scale (SDG 13)
This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 10:40, 9 Machi 2024 (UTC) • Contribute • Manage subscription
Affiliations Committee News (January-March 2024)
haririYou can find this newsletter translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language
Quarterly newsletter sharing news and events about the work of Wikimedia's Affiliations Committee.
Affiliate Recognition and Derecognition: Recognition of Cyprus, Botswana, Niger, and Telugu user groups
Affiliate Activities Report: Reports from Belgium, South African, and Ukrainian chapters
AffCom Movement Contribution: AffCom engagement with the new Affiliates Strategy and Movement Charter drafts
AffCom Administration: New AffCom members and advisors
MediaWiki message delivery (majadiliano) 12:56, 18 Aprili 2024 (UTC)
Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - April 2024 Newsletter
hariri- User group news
- * Upcoming user group meeting 19 May
- Other news
- Wikipedia Signpost highlighted five papers about climate change editing. (SDG 13)
- On Wikidata, a model for documenting green house gas emissions has been created. (SDG 13)
- An update from the Wikipedian in Residence at the Environment Protection Authority in Victoria, Australia.
- WikiAcción Perú organized a training session: "Climate Change Actions and Wikimedia Movement" (SDG 13)
- WikiForHumanRights organized a session: "Adding Sustainability Perspectives to Wikivoyage"
- Events
- Wiki Loves Earth, the international photo contest of protected nature, starts in May. (SDG 14 & 15)
- Wiki For Climate Change 2024 - Maghreb region starts in May. (SDG 13)
This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 19:17, 1 Mei 2024 (UTC) • Contribute • Manage subscription
Ukumbusho kuhusu kupiga kura sasa ili kuchagua washiriki wa U4C ya awamu ya kwanza
hariri- Unaweza kupata ujumbe huu ukiwa umetafsiriwa katika lugha za ziada kwenye Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language
Ndugu Mwanawikimedia,
Unapokea ujumbe huu kwa sababu hapo kabla uliwahi kushiriki katika mchakato wa UCoC.
Huu ni ukumbusho kwamba kipindi cha kupiga kura kwa Kamati ya Kuratibu Mwongozo wa Kimataifa wa Mwenendo na Maadili (U4C) kitamalizika tarehe 9 Mei 2024. Soma maelezo kwenye ukurasa wa kupiga kura kwenye Meta- wiki ili kupata maelezo zaidi kuhusu upigaji kura na ustahiki wa mpiga kura.
Kamati ya Kuratibu Mwongozo wa Kimataifa wa Mwenendo na Maadili (U4C) ni kikundi cha kimataifa kilichojitolea kutoa utekelezaji sawa na thabiti wa UCoC. Wanajamii walialikwa kutuma maombi yao kwa U4C. Kwa maelezo zaidi na majukumu ya U4C, tafadhali pitia Mkataba wa U4C.
Tafadhali washirikishe ujumbe wanajumuiya wenzako ili nao waweze kushiriki.
Kwa niaba ya timu ya mradi wa UCoC,
RamzyM (WMF) 22:54, 2 Mei 2024 (UTC)
Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - May 2024 Newsletter
hariri- User group news
- Upcoming: User group meeting, 16 June
- Mini report from the Wikimedia Summit 2024
- User group representative interviewed by Wikipediapodden at Wikimedia Summit (commons)
- Minutes from user group meeting in May
- Other news
- Reflecting _Women For Sustainability Africa Arts + Feminism #Her Voice Campaign 2023
- Macedonia report: Climate change and GLAM (SDG 13)
- Biodiversity Heritage Library April monthly highlights (SDG 14 & 15)
- WikiProject Biodiversity featured in Nature Africa (SDG 14 & 15)
- Wikimedia UK releases a video about their climate focus (SDG 13)
- Events
- Wiki Loves Earth, the international photo contest of protected nature, continues in some countries. (SDG 14 & 15)
This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 13:18, 1 Juni 2024 (UTC) • Contribute • Manage subscription
Submission Deadline for Winners' Information Feminism and Folklore 2024
haririDear Organiser/Jury,
Thank you for your invaluable contribution to the Feminism and Folklore writing competition. As a crucial part of our jury/organising team, we kindly request that you submit the information of the winners on our winners' page. Please ensure this is done by June 7th, 2024. Failure to meet this deadline will result in your wiki being ineligible to receive the local prize for Feminism and Folklore 2024.
If you require additional time due to a high number of articles or need assistance with the jury task, please inform us via email or the project talk page. The International Team of Feminism and Folklore will not be responsible for any missed deadlines.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Best regards,
The International Team of Feminism and Folklore
Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - June 2024 Newsletter
hariri- User group news
- User group vote on the adoption of the Movement Charter (closes 7 July 23.59 UTC)
- Upcoming user group meeting 21 July
- User group meeting held in June - minutes
- The group was featured in the latest WikiAfrica Hour: #36: Does the Wikimedia movement contribute to the SDGs?
- Other news
- Stories from the anti-disinformation repository: How WikiProject COVID-19 and other Wikimedia initiatives counter health disinformation (SDG 3)
- Environment Centre Northern Territory Wikipedian in Residence (SDG 15)
- With AI can we increase transparency of companies' carbon footprints (in Swedish). Op-ed that mentions that the greenhouse gas emissions of the top 150 companies on the Stockholm stock exchange has been uploaded to Wikidata. The model is documented on WikiProject Climate Change on Wikidata. (SDG 13)
- Another Year in Review: Where is Wikimedia in the Climate Crisis? Seeing the impact of Wikimedia Projects (SDG 13)
- 46 scholars, self-advocates bring knowledge to Wikipedia’s disability healthcare content (SDG 3)
- Wikimedia Sverige publishes their 2023 climate impact report (in Swedish) (SDG 13)
- WikiProject Govdirectory has started weekly collaboration on countries (SDG 16)
- Events
- Wikimedia chapters and groups organise the first Sharks and Rays Wikimarathon (29 June, but edits in the weeks after are welcome) (SDG 14)
This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 09:27, 1 Julai 2024 (UTC) • Contribute • Manage subscription
Affiliations Committee News (April-June 2024)
haririYou can find this newsletter translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language
Quarterly newsletter sharing news and events about the work of Wikimedia's Affiliations Committee.
Affiliate Recognition and Derecognition: Recognition of Madagascar, Senegal, Republic of Congo, and Namibia user groups
Affiliate Activities and Compliance Report: Activities reports around the world
AffCom Conflict Intervention: Six active conflicts, no new reports for Q4
AffCom Movement Contribution: AffCom engagement at Wikimedia Summit and ESEAP Conference
AffCom Administration: Officers elections and departing members
Upcoming AffCom Events: AffCom at Wikimania 2024
MediaWiki message delivery (majadiliano) 15:30, 15 Julai 2024 (UTC)
Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - July 2024 Newsletter
hariri- User group news
- User group meeting held in July, minutes
- Next user group meeting will be 18 August
- Other news
- Climate change editahon and workshop in Macedonia (SDG 13)
- WikiForHumanRights in Nigeria 2024 Campaign Virtual Launch (SDG 10&16)
- What we Learned from Wiki Women In Red @8 Campaign 2023 Women for Sustainability Africa (SDG 5)
- Ghanaian Wikipedians set to educate students on Open Climate (SDG 13)
- Using Wikipedia as a Tool for Climate Action (SDG 13)
- Events
- 5th August, m:Event:Wiki-Green_Conference_2024 Wiki-Green Conference (SDG 13)
- 7-10 August, Wikimania - All SDG related sessions
- 7-9 November, Justicia climática, voces indígenas y plataformas Wikimedia (SDG 13)
- Participate
- Share an example of a successful WikiProject or topical collaboration in this on-wiki survey
This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 18:57, 1 Agosti 2024 (UTC) • Contribute • Manage subscription
Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - August 2024 Newsletter
hariri- User group news
- Next user group meeting, 15 September, will be focused on starting to develop a strategy for the group. If you cannot attend, you can leave your input on the ideas page.
- User group meeting held in August (minutes)
- Other news
- Report from WikiProject International Botanical Congress 2024 (SDG 15)
- Meeting for Writing on Femenist Strikes and Wiki for Peace Camp St. Imier (SDG 5 & 16)
- Biodiversity Heritage Library report (SDG 15)
- Wikimania had a lot of SDG related sessions and you can watch them back now
- Events
- Wiki Loves Monuments starts in September (SDG 11)
This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 06:24, 2 Septemba 2024 (UTC) • Contribute • Manage subscription
Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - September 2024 Newsletter
hariri- User group news
- Other news
- Building a sustainable Wikimedia movement: A contribution from the CEE region, presentation at CEE meeting. (YouTube)
- All About Wiki-Green Conference 2024 (SDG 13)
- Events
- Course: Global Approaches to Climate Finance by WikiEdu (SDG 13)
This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 20:26, 1 Oktoba 2024 (UTC) • Contribute • Manage subscription
Affiliations Committee News (July-September 2024)
haririYou can find this newsletter translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language
Quarterly newsletter sharing news and events about the work of Wikimedia's Affiliations Committee.
Affiliate Recognition and Derecognition: Recognition of Togo, Wayúu, and Singapore user groups
Affiliate Activities and Compliance Report: Activities reports around the world
AffCom Conflict Intervention: Updates on conflict intervention cases
AffCom Movement Contribution: AffCom engagement at Wikimania
AffCom Administration: Results of the officers elections
Upcoming AffCom Events: AffCom at WikiIndaba and a strategy meetup
Other Movement News: Regional conferences, mental health support, and new committee support inboxMediaWiki message delivery (majadiliano) 15:55, 7 Oktoba 2024 (UTC)
Feminism and Folklores 2024 Organizers Feedback
haririDear Organizer,
We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your invaluable contributions to Feminism and Folklore 2024. Your dedication to promoting feminist perspectives on Wikimedia platforms has been instrumental in the campaign's success.
To better understand your initiatives and impact, we invite you to participate in a short survey (5-7 minutes).
Your feedback will help us document your achievements in our report and showcase your story in our upcoming blog, highlighting the diversity of Feminism and Folklore initiatives.
Click to participate in the survey.
By participating in the By participating in the survey, you help us share your efforts in reports and upcoming blogs. This will help showcase and amplify your work, inspiring others to join the movement.
The survey covers:
- Community engagement and participation
- Challenges and successes
- Partnership
Thank you again for your tireless efforts in promoting Feminism and Folklore.
Best regards,
MediaWiki message delivery (majadiliano) 14:23, 26 October 2024 (UTC)
haririNdugu, asante kwa kupitia makala za wenzetu. Unanipunguzia sana kazi. Ila niseme mawili: 1. "Alizaliwa" katika mabano ya mwanzo linafaa kama mtu ni hai bado. Lakini kama ameshafariki dunia, uwepo wa tarehe mbili unamaanisha tayari kuwa moja ni ya kuzaliwa, ya pili ni ya kufa. Ndivyo ilivyo katika vitabu. 2. Sasa makala za [[jamii:wanamichezo wa Italia]] zimekuwa nyingi na zinaendelea kutungwa (wamefikia herufi C!). Naona afadhali kuanzisha jamii mpya kwa watu wa baiskeli tu. Kwa mfano [[jamii:wanabaiskeli wa Italia]] au [[jamii:waendeshabaiskeli wa Italia]]. Unaonaje? Aamani kwako! --Riccardo Riccioni (majadiliano) 12:53, 27 Oktoba 2024 (UTC)
- Habari ndugu @Riccardo Riccioni, Naendelea kujifunza kazi za wakabidhi kutoka kwako, Kuhusu jamii nakubaliana na wewe tuanzishe jamii ya [[jamii:waendeshabaiskeli wa Italia]]. Amani kwako Justine Msechu (majadiliano) 13:02, 27 Oktoba 2024 (UTC)
Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - October 2024 Newsletter
hariri- User group news
- Upcoming meeting, 24 November, 17.00 UTC
- Other news
- Talk at WikiIndaba: Wikimedian collaboration in human knowledge: Wiki For Climate Change in the Maghreb region (SDG 13)
- Championing Inclusion in the Wikimedia Movement: Africa Wiki Women Presentation at the Wiki Niger Conference (SDG 5)
- Mountains, Birds and Lakes: Wiki Loves Earth 2024 – Central Asia Edition (SDG 15)
- Events
- November 6, 12 and 21: Climate Change & Health in the UK - Wikipedia workshop (SDG 3 and 13)
This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 20:01, 1 Novemba 2024 (UTC) • Contribute • Manage subscription
[Reminder] Apply for Cycle 3 Grants by December 1st!
haririDear Feminism and Folklore Organizers,
We hope this message finds you well. We are excited to inform you that the application window for Wikimedia Foundation's Cycle 3 of our grants is now open. Please ensure to submit your applications by December 1st.
For a comprehensive guide on how to apply, please refer to the Wiki Loves Folklore Grant Toolkit: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wiki_Loves_Folklore_Grant_Toolkit
Additionally, you can find detailed information on the Rapid Grant timeline here: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:Project/Rapid#Timeline
We appreciate your continuous efforts and contributions to our campaigns. Should you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out: support@wikilovesfolkore.org
Kind regards,
On behalf of the Wiki Loves Folklore International Team.
Joris Darlington Quarshie (talk) 08:39, 9 November 2024 (UTC)
haririOnly pair of them you did:
- http://sw.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Digamma&diff=1362374&oldid=1362353
- http://sw.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sampi&diff=1362376&oldid=1362350
You forgot the rest, I already did them all. JeribaShiganu (majadiliano) 09:33, 11 Novemba 2024 (UTC)
- Thank you for your help , really appreciate it! Justine Msechu (majadiliano) 18:17, 11 Novemba 2024 (UTC)
haririMaalum:Michango/JeribaShiganu someone called "masti" mindlessly banned globally my main account basically for nothing! Please tell him to unblock my main account ASAP! He presumed prevention of "abuse" of dead corpse like in case of Kipala or something similar. Jeriba$higanu (majadiliano) 19:10, 19 Novemba 2024 (UTC)
- I'm sorry to hear about this situation. Unfortunately, I'm unable to assist with issues related to English Wikipedia. I recommend reaching out to an English Wikipedia administrator, such as user:Doc James, for help with your account. They may be able to better address your concerns. Best of luck! Justine Msechu (majadiliano) 02:24, 20 Novemba 2024 (UTC)
- This is NOT English Wikipedia, but META WIKIMEDIA. Purely hostile site for newbies and anons. Look how this "masti" behaves! He does blanket bans of all vandals and non-vandals, especially here:
- Vandals are obviously ONLY ...mukaria... and other decimeter-long named accounts, and good faith editors are short temporary accounts of ~2024-XXXXX type, all of them got indiscriminate global bans! I did some investigation and I feel that ~2024-XXXXX temporary account name SIMILARITY tricks "masti" to blanket ban of them all, regardless of what they do, all because of blanket prejudice of "masti" against them all originating from this page:
- This "masti" belongs to global wiki patrollers, which are recently troublesome, as explained here:
- Even one of these META troublemakers got banned here permanently:
- They can say various prejudicial things about longterm sexual "abuse" and similar, do NOT believe them. Jeriba$higanu (majadiliano) 09:43, 20 Novemba 2024 (UTC)
- Example: w:it:Speciale:Contributi/Ole_El_Toro_Carajo innocent newbie account globally blocked for allegedly being some abuser against children. It is "abuse" word itself in his last edits, which triggered steward action, even if edits were innocent. Pure PARANOIA. Jeriba$higanu (majadiliano) 15:54, 24 Novemba 2024 (UTC)
- Today EPIC globally blocked several local users for PAEDOPHILIA (long term abuse) 1oo% SPURIOUS! ~2025-14304 (talk) 19:19, 31 Januari 2025 (UTC)
Page protections
haririGenerally, all former page protections are because of IP editors, which are NO longer technically possible to act here because of general switch to temporary account names. Since 99% of Greek letters are UNPROTECTED, can you please unprotect both Digamma and Pai (herufi), so "Angalia Chanzo" will become "Hariri Chanzo"? These two ones being protected permanently are nothing but some mistake from the distant past, since NO vandalisms on remaining Greek letters were ever there since at least one decade. By the way, we already cover now all 32 extant Greek letters.~2024-12284 (talk) 10:21, 13 Novemba 2024 (UTC)
FYI: already done, these were weird exceptions to all Greek letters. Jeriba$higanu (majadiliano) 10:40, 9 Desemba 2024 (UTC)
I repaired some medical references by eliminating RED STRING error messages, by the way, please do NOT use blanket reverts, always please write in edit summary REVERT REASON. ~2024-12284 (talk) 10:57, 13 Novemba 2024 (UTC)
Dear Justine Msechu, please help and proof read this template, which I tried to translate into Swahili. Thank you and have a nice weekend! SpesBona (majadiliano) 14:40, 16 Novemba 2024 (UTC)
Hello Justine Msechu, I need your help by translating these words into Swahili:
- Batting style
- Bowling style
- International information
- National side
- Test debut (Test cricket)
- Last test
- Only
- One Day International (ODI)
- ODI debut
- Last ODI
- Cap
- Shirt
- Twenty20 (Twenty Twenty)
- Twenty20 International
- Domestic team information
- Years
- Team
- Umpiring information
- Tests umpired
- ODIs umpired
- T20Is umpired
- FC umpired (First-class cricket)
- LA umpired (List A cricket)
- Career statistics
- Competition
- Matches
- Runs scored
- Batting average
- 100s (Century)
- 50s (Fifty)
- Top score
- Balls bowled
- Wickets
- Bowling average
- 5 wickets in an innings
- 10 wickets in a match
- Best bowling (figures)
- Catches/stumpings
These terms are for the Swahili version of Kigezo:Infobox cricketer which I really want to use in cricket articles. I really appreciate your help! Peace. SpesBona (majadiliano) 12:45, 19 Novemba 2024 (UTC)
- Dear Justine Msechu, please help me with Mtumiaji:SpesBona/ukurasa wa majaribio. Are any of the words I tried to translate on that page correct (column Google Translate or ChatGPT)? If not, do you want to correct them? Please let met know, I want to improve articles about cricketers on Swahili with this infobox (like I do with politicans). Peace to you! SpesBona (majadiliano) 21:55, 27 Novemba 2024 (UTC)
haririNi hekima na busara gani utende ili uonekane unatenda wajibu kwa haki kwa watu unaowaongoza?
Naomba msaada wa hoja angalau tatu na zaidi DAMIANO PETRO S (majadiliano) 21:48, 24 Novemba 2024 (UTC)
Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - November 2024 Newsletter
hariri- User group news
- User group meeting, 24 November (minutes)
- We are working on our annual plan for 2025, please add activities that you would like to work on.
- Other news
- CEE Catch up Nr. 8 with a sustainability theme
- Wikiconcurso Justiça Climática e Amazônia (SDG 13)
- Report from New Zealand Species Edit-a-thons (SDG 15)
- Report from climate change editing workshop in Macedonia (SDG 13)
- DeGrowth in November with students, artists and academics in Croatia (SDG 8&12)
- The new Charts extension has been enabled on Wikimedia Commons. It's time to start bringing all your local sustainability related charts over there! (SDG 17)
- Events
- Ongoing: Bridging Climate Literacy Gaps through Wikimedia projects in Ogoni Land Rivers (SDG 13)
- Ongoing: Financiamiento climático en Wikipedia (SDG 13)
- Just started: African Legislators in Red (SDG 16)
This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 19:29, 1 Desemba 2024 (UTC) • Contribute • Manage subscription
[Workshop] Identifying Win-Win Relationships with Partners for Wikimedia
haririDear Recipient,
We are excited to invite you to the third workshop in our Advocacy series, part of the Feminism and Folklore International Campaign. This highly anticipated workshop, titled "Identifying Win-Win Relationships with Partners for Wikimedia," will be led by the esteemed Alex Stinson, Lead Program Strategist at the Wikimedia Foundation. Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights into forging effective partnerships.
Workshop Objectives
hariri- Introduction to Partnerships: Understand the importance of building win-win relationships within the Wikimedia movement.
- Strategies for Collaboration: Learn practical strategies for identifying and fostering effective partnerships.
- Case Studies: Explore real-world examples of successful partnerships in the Wikimedia community.
- Interactive Discussions: Engage in discussions to share experiences and insights on collaboration and advocacy.
Workshop Details
hariri📅 Date: 7th December 2024
⏰ Time: 4:30 PM UTC (Check your local time zone)
📍 Venue: Zoom Meeting
How to Join:
haririRegistration Link: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Event:Identifying_Win-Win_Relationships_with_Partners_for_Wikimedia
Meeting ID: 860 4444 3016
Passcode: 834088
We welcome participants to bring their diverse perspectives and stories as we drive into the collaborative opportunities within the Wikimedia movement. Together, we’ll explore how these partnerships can enhance our advocacy and community efforts.
Thank you,
Wiki Loves Folklore International Team
MediaWiki message delivery (majadiliano) 07:34, 03 December 2024 (UTC)
Friday 13-th
haririSeveral LOCAL established accounts were allegedly for w:en:sexual abuse WRONGLY globally banned by stewards on 2024-December, Friday 13-th. At least annoying foreign patrollers receive their permanent bans as well. ~2024-27458 (talk) 12:46, 14 Desemba 2024 (UTC)
UPDATE: their BAN-ana is manually revoked LATER, but they at least for one day felt how it is to be on receiving end. ~2024-28356 (talk) 19:23, 14 Desemba 2024 (UTC)
U4C Notification
haririHello Justine Msechu,
You are named in a recently filed request to the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C). Please review the request at m:Universal Code of Conduct/Coordinating Committee/Cases/Sysop abuse in Swahili Wikipedia
You are requested to enter your statement and any other material you wish to submit, so that the U4C can get a better overview of the situation. All writing should be complete, but also as concise as possible. Please ensure that you make all comments in your own section and in the discussion section only. If the U4C makes a decision, this will be binding for you and so your participation is recommended.
Please do not reply here, but on the linked case page, or on the associated talk page. If you would like to contact the U4C directly, you will find an e-mail address here. Please use the email only if privacy is necessary (e.g. personal information).
On behalf of the U4C --Civvì (majadiliano) 10:21, 22 Desemba 2024 (UTC)
- (tafsiri otomatiki)
- Hujambo Justine Msechu,
- Ulitajwa katika ombi lililowasilishwa hivi majuzi kwa Kamati ya Uratibu ya Kanuni za Maadili ya Jumla Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) (U4C). Tafadhali kagua ombi lako kwenye m:Universal Code of Conduct/Coordinating Committee/Cases/Sysop abuse in Swahili Wikipedia
- Unaombwa kuweka taarifa yako na nyenzo nyingine yoyote unayotaka kuwasilisha, ili U4C iweze kuelewa vyema hali hiyo. Maandishi yote yanapaswa kuwa kamili, lakini pia kwa ufupi iwezekanavyo. Hakikisha umechapisha maoni yote katika sehemu yako na sehemu ya majadiliano pekee. Ikiwa U4C itafanya uamuzi, itakulazimu na kwa hivyo tunapendekeza ushiriki.
- Tafadhali usijibu hapa, lakini kwenye ukurasa wa kesi uliounganishwa au ukurasa wa mazungumzo unaohusishwa. Ikiwa ungependa kuwasiliana na U4C moja kwa moja, utapata barua pepe hapa. Tafadhali tumia barua pepe tu ikiwa unahitaji faragha (k.m. maelezo ya kibinafsi).
- Karibuni sana,
- Kwa niaba ya kamati ya U4C --Civvì (majadiliano) 10:21, 22 Desemba 2024 (UTC)
- As an individual I encourage you to please participate in the next 3-5 days. (Kama mtu binafsi ninakuhimiza tafadhali ushiriki katika siku 3-5 zijazo.) Barkeep49 (majadiliano) 01:47, 9 Januari 2025 (UTC)
Thou will REGRET all SYSOP-ONLY page protections when WMF desysop thee: https://sw.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maalum:Kumbukumbu?type=protect&user=Justine+Msechu ~2025-10150 (talk) 12:11, 21 Januari 2025 (UTC)
- Stewards from time to time globally lock local established users like this one out of their accounts for some alleged "long term sexual abuse". It seems that SWAHILI both sysops and users are under siege from WMF. Pure colonialist approach. They still do not dare to do this to local sysops, but they feel that doing this to local users can be done with impunity. ~2025-13765 (talk) 10:02, 29 Januari 2025 (UTC)
Editing roles
haririI only correct technical errors after EDITATHON newbies like Maalum:Michango/Jossy27, nothing more. Resnick-mike (majadiliano) 07:51, 26 Desemba 2024 (UTC)
- Thank you for clarification. Justine Msechu (majadiliano) 07:01, 27 Desemba 2024 (UTC)
Invitation to Host Wiki Loves Folklore 2025 in Your Country
haririDear Team, My name is Joris Darlington Quarshie (user: Joris Darlington Quarshie), and I am the Event Coordinator for the Wiki Loves Folklore 2025 (WLF) International campaign.
Wiki Loves Folklore 2025 is a photographic competition aimed at highlighting folk culture worldwide. The annual international photography competition is held on Wikimedia Commons between the 1st of February and the 31st of March. This campaign invites photographers and enthusiasts of folk culture globally to showcase their local traditions, festivals, cultural practices, and other folk events by uploading photographs to Wikimedia Commons.
As we celebrate the seventh anniversary of Wiki Loves Folklore, the international team is thrilled to invite Wikimedia affiliates, user groups, and organizations worldwide to host a local edition in their respective countries. This is an opportunity to bring more visibility to the folk culture of your region and contribute valuable content to the internet.
- Please find the project page for this year’s edition at:
- To sign up and organize the event in your country, visit:
If you wish to organize your local edition in either February or March instead of both months, feel free to let us know.
In addition to the photographic competition, there will also be a Wikipedia writing competition called Feminism and Folklore, which focuses on topics related to feminism, women's issues, gender gaps, and folk culture on Wikipedia.
We welcome your team to organize both the photo and writing campaigns or either one of them in your local Wiki edition. If you are unable to organize both campaigns, feel free to share this opportunity with other groups or organizations in your region that may be interested.
- You can find the Feminism and Folklore project page here:
- The page to sign up is:
For any questions or to discuss further collaboration, feel free to contact us via the Talk page or email at support@wikilovesfolklore.org. If your team wishes to connect via a meeting to discuss this further, please let us know.
We look forward to your participation in Wiki Loves Folklore 2025 and to seeing the incredible folk culture of your region represented on Wikimedia Commons.
The Wiki Loves Folklore International Team
MediaWiki message delivery (majadiliano) 08:50, 27 December 2024 (UTC)
Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - December 2024 Newsletter
hariri- User group news
- User group meeting in December (minutes)
- We have adopted an annual plan for 2025!
- Other news
- Lightning talk by Adam Harangzo - National Institute for Health and Care Research on Wikipedia (SDG 3&13)
- Top photos of the special nomination “Human Rights and Environment” from Wiki Loves Earth 2024! (SDG 10&15)
- Two days, 15 editors, 750 edits (SDG 15)
- A Peekaboo Into Our Butterflying Trip from the Amazon of the East (SDG 15)
- Brooklyn College students bring ecology course content to Wikipedia (SDG 13&15
- Declaring crisis? Temporal constructions of climate change on WikipediaDeclaring crisis? Temporal constructions of climate change on Wikipedia (SDG 13)
This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 08:04, 2 Januari 2025 (UTC) • Contribute • Manage subscription
Invitation to Organise Feminism and Folklore 2025
haririDear Justine Msechu,
My name is Stella Agbley, and I am the Event Coordinator for the Feminism and Folklore 2025 (FnF) International campaign.
We're thrilled to announce the Feminism and Folklore 2025 writing competition, held in conjunction with Wiki Loves Folklore 2025! This initiative focuses on enriching Wikipedia with content related to feminism, women's issues, gender gaps, and folk culture.
Why Host the Competition?
hariri- Empower voices: Provide a platform for discussions on feminism and its intersection with folk culture.
- Enrich Wikipedia: Contribute valuable content to Wikipedia on underrepresented topics.
- Raise awareness: Increase global understanding of these important issues.
Exciting Prizes Await!
haririWe're delighted to acknowledge outstanding contributions with a range of prizes:
- International Recognition:**
- 1st Prize: $300 USD
- 2nd Prize: $200 USD
- 3rd Prize: $100 USD
- Consolation Prizes (Top 10): $50 USD each
- Local Recognition (Details Coming Soon!):**
Each participating Wikipedia edition (out of 40+) will offer local prizes. Stay tuned for announcements! All prizes will be distributed in a convenient and accessible manner. Winners will receive major brand gift cards or vouchers equivalent to the prize value in their local currency.
Ready to Get Involved?
haririLearn more about Feminism and Folklore 2025: Feminism and Folklore 2025 Sign Up to Organize a Campaign: Campaign Sign-Up Page
Collaboration is Key!
haririWhether you choose to organize both photo and writing competitions (Wiki Loves Folklore and Feminism and Folklore) or just one, we encourage your participation. If hosting isn't feasible, please share this opportunity with interested groups in your region.
Let's Collaborate!
haririFor questions or to discuss further collaboration, please contact us via the Talk page or email at support@wikilovesfolklore.org. We're happy to schedule a meeting to discuss details further. Together, let's celebrate women's voices and enrich Wikipedia with valuable content!
Thank you,
- Wiki Loves Folklore International Team**
MediaWiki message delivery (majadiliano) 23:02, 05 January 2025 (UTC)
See explanation : Majadiliano:Lugha ya Adamu.
Anna Katharina Emmerick in her revelation was informed, that especially three languages of Baktria, Zendia, India are FIRST EVER descendants of language of Adamu, of course in regard of purity as measure of being LEAST CHANGED from language of Adamu itself.
Please add this to article in Swahili version, I need your effort because I tried to write this sentence in Swahili, and it turned ungramatical. Without this addition, article is still incomplete. Mwanajoka (majadiliano) 12:50, 10 Januari 2025 (UTC)
haririTuitunze Amani Yetu Hapa Nchini Tuliyojaliwa Na Mwenyezi Mungu. Tunakushuru ndugu Riccardo kwa kutupa malezi bora hapa shule na tunamuomba mungu akujalie maisha maisha malefu zaidi na akupatie nguvu ili uendele kuifanya kazi yake Bwana! ~2025-15274 (talk) 05:27, 1 Februari 2025 (UTC)
Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - January 2025 Newsletter
hariri- User group news
- User group meeting 23 February
- User group meeting in January (minutes).
- The user group submitted an annual report in the new affiliate health criteria format, and as an activity report.
- The 2030 strategy for the user group was adopted.
- Other news
- Swiss server helped optimise Wikidata in the field of medicine (SDG 3)
- Photographers from Türkiye tell the story of award wining photos in Wiki Loves Earth 2024 (SDG 15)
- OpenStreetMap and Wikidata in Disaster Times - CEE Meeting 2024 Istanbul (SDG 11)
- Events
- 1-28 February: Wiki Loves Africa: Climate & Weather ISA campaign (SDG 13)
This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 14:05, 4 Februari 2025 (UTC) • Contribute • Manage subscription
Affiliations Committee News (October-December 2024)
haririYou can find this newsletter translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language
Quarterly newsletter sharing news and events about the work of Wikimedia's Affiliations Committee.
Affiliate Recognition and Derecognition: User group application pause lifted
Affiliate Activities and Compliance Report: Activities reports around the world
AffCom Conflict Intervention: Updates on conflict intervention cases
AffCom Movement Contribution: AffCom engagement at WikiIndaba
AffCom Administration: Mari Avetisyan appointed new AffCom secretaryMediaWiki message delivery (majadiliano) 03:04, 5 Februari 2025 (UTC)
COPY PASTE page moves
haririIt is wrong, it does NOT preserve edit history with list of contributors required by GPL, please FIRST delete mabadiliko ya tabianchi and then move Mabadiliko ya Tabianchi onto it. Norbilian (majadiliano) 12:57, 5 Februari 2025 (UTC)