

A festival is a one-of-a-kind event that is curated to promote domestic and international tourism in Tanzania by using one of Africa's prominent tribes as a portal to other tribes, the Maasais. Maasai Festival is intended to promote internal tourism by showcasing Maasai cultural norms and values, that will portray Cultural dressing, Cultural Dance, Cultural cooking, and various customs that prevail in Tanzania. The event will intend to influence behavioral changes within ourselves to motivate internal tourism to many Tanzanians to have more influence in knowing the importance of tourism in general. Through this event, we will start by changing the mindsets of most Tanzanians toward tourism. It will also open up doors for international tourists to come and experience Tanzania

Why the Maasai? We have chosen the Maasai tribe due to their peculiar way of life that has been maintained to preserve their norms and culture. The Maasai tribe has proved that even with technological advancements, it's still possible to hold onto who we are as Africans. The Maasai tribe have been able to maintain their dressing style, eating habit, security system, traditional medical practices, living among wild animals, and many more. We have selected the Maasai to influence other Tanzanian tribes to be- believe that we can preserve the good ways of life we have and due to their uniqueness, they will attribute to the expansion of tourism activities