Neil Cox
Imejiunga 4 Desemba 2009
I am an American who has lived in Tanzania for two years. I loved Swahili and I am trying to maintain my ability even though it is not very great. I have studied science a lot and I will try to write many pages about that subject. I would like Swahili speakers to correct my pages so that they can be understood well.
Mimi ndiye mmarekani ambaye ameishi Tanzania miaka miwili. Nilipenda sana kiswahili na ninajaribu kuendeleza uwezo wangu japokuwa sio mkubwa sana. Nimesoma sana sayansi na nitajaribu kuandika kurasa nyingi za somo hilo. Naomba waswahili wote wanisahishie kurasa zangu ili zieleweke vizuri.