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--CaliBen (majadiliano) 13:21, 15 Juni 2021 (UTC)Reply



Maximilian Kikwembe , Is a Tanzanian growing up young Philosopher, writing inspirational articles and books ,He has written several articles and books such as ‘WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE’ and in progress writing of ‘BELIEVE, BEGGIN & BECOME’ ,as well as a motivator speaker with inspiring and educating quotes, He is passionate in inspiring and motivating the Youths to wage their power, knowledge and ability in creating a better society with people who can live their dreams and attain goals, He always insist the people about changes in life are possible when we only dedicate our mindset in searching what we wants, In fact He has a greatest vision in creating the reasons for why we must change our life. Maximilian dedicates knowledge in leadership by being Matai Female & Male Fellowship (Chairperson) FEMA CLUB, Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (Chairperson) PCCB, Roots & Shoots (General Secretary) and an advocator of Builders of Future Tanzania (BFT) aiming at giving a platform for the students to foster their talents, sharing of triumphant ideas and inspire, encourage and motivate students to take part in responsibility and obligations to love and care each other. His involvement in several voluntary and community service activities within the school inspired other students to act the best with gratitude appreciation to Maximilian, Further more Maximilian has been organizing several training and fellowships which he has being conducting and facilitating knowledge on Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Life skills in general. These training has marked a potential in his fellow students having widen their knowledge and abilities on solving Challenges and overcome Failures and having built community service and voluntary Spirit in others. Maximilian as a public inspirational Speaker has succeed to deliver a strong message to the students such as Fundamentals of starting and running a business, Best strategies for personal Growth and Prosperity and Principles for better Class performance . Maximilian is looking for future casting a Youth movements that will ignite, initiate, and commence all social Youth and Students beneficial and impact Organization Goals, Ambitions, Visions and Dreams to their Climax best level aiming at a willing to develop and experiences to every Youth and student in the progress of searching, growth and reach their goals easily and with wide impacts. Maximilian believes in Youth Empowerment and Creativity as the strong Codes of any Successful Society. Maximilian have a Great Vision in the future by being a strong Philosopher who can share the best to the society and prosper the Spirit of Success to many people who can achieve their goals, He dreams to inspire people in Tanzania and around the globe to build a strong Triumphant Generation in vision to make better changes in the world, Maximilian always feel heartfelt ambitions to help the people from poor living conditions that to some extent can hinder their progressive Goals, He loves keeping in touch to community services, hence potential for the welfare of the whole society, Maximilian started a YouTube channel titled ‘MAXIMILIAN KIKWEMBE’ in attempt to inspire the people to create the better for Life (Get ready to be inspired and Subscribe a channel) . Lastly he insists that Everything we wants in life depends on our own faults, ‘’No body can change your life except you’’. MAXIMILIAN KIKWEMBE (majadiliano) 13:09, 16 Juni 2021 (UTC)Reply