Sheria za Kanisa
Sheria za Kanisa ni taratibu zilizokubaliwa na mamlaka ya Kanisa katika kuendesha shughuli zake za ndani na za nje. Awali sheria za namna hiyo zilitolewa na Mitume wa Yesu, halafu na waandamizi wao, hasa maaskofu waliokusanyika katika mitaguso na sinodi mbalimbali[1]

Umuhimu wa sheria hizo ni tofauti kadiri ya madhehebu husika.
Katika karne ya 20 Kanisa Katoliki, maarufu kwa kutia maanani umoja na utaratibu, limekusanya sheria zake muhimu zaidi katika vitabu viwili vya Kilatini: kimoja kwa Kanisa la Kilatini (Codex Iuris Canonici), kingine kwa Makanisa Katoliki ya Mashariki (Codex Canonum Ecclesiarium Orientalium).
hariri- ↑ Boudinhon, Auguste. "Canon Law." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 9. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1910. 9 Aug. 2013
hariri- Baker, J.H. (2002) An Introduction to English Legal History, 4th ed. London : Butterworths, ISBN 0-406-93053-8
- Brundage, James A., The Medieval Origins of the Legal Profession: Canonists, Civilians, and Courts, Chicago : University of Chicago Press, c2008.
- Brundage, James A., Medieval Canon Law, London ; New York : Longman, 1995.
- The Episcopal Church (2006) Constitution and Canons Ilihifadhiwa 5 Septemba 2015 kwenye Wayback Machine., together with the Rules of Order for the Government of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, otherwise known as The Episcopal Church, New York : Church Publishing, Inc.
- Hartmann, Wilfried and Kenneth Pennington eds. (2008) The History of Medieval Canon Law in the Classical Period, 1140-1234: From Gratian to the Decretals of Pope Gregory IX, Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press.
- Hartmann, Wilfried and Kenneth Penningon eds. (2011) The History of Byzantine and Eastern Canon Law to 1500, Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press.
- R. C. Mortimer, Western Canon Law, London: A. and C. Black, 1953.
- Robinson, O.F.,Fergus, T.D. and Gordon, W.M. (2000) European Legal History, 3rd ed., London : Butterworths, ISBN 0-406-91360-9
Viungo vya nje
hariri- Codex Iuris Canonici (1983), original text in Latin (the only official text)
- Code of Canon Law (1983) but with the 1998 modification of canons 750 and 1371, English translation by the Canon Law Society of America Ilihifadhiwa 18 Agosti 2020 kwenye Wayback Machine., on the Vatican website
- Code of Canon Law (1983), English translation by the Canon Law Society of Great Britain and Ireland, assisted by the Canon Law Society of Australia and New Zealand and the Canadian Canon Law Society
- Codex canonum ecclesiarum orientalium (1990), original text in Latin
- "Code of canons of Oriental Churchs" (1990), defective English translation
- Codex Iuris Canonici (1917), original text in Latin
- Catholic Encyclopedia: Canon Law: outdated, but useful
- Salvific Law
- 1983 Code of Canon Law - Notes, Commentary, Articles, Bibliography
- "Canons of the Church of England"Ilihifadhiwa 7 Aprili 2010 kwenye Wayback Machine.
- "Canon Law in the Anglican Communion" Ilihifadhiwa 13 Mei 2008 kwenye Wayback Machine.
- "Canon Law in the Episcopal Church in the US" Ilihifadhiwa 28 Mei 2013 kwenye Wayback Machine.
- "Ecclesiastical Law Society"
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