Karibu kwenye Wikipedia kwa Kiswahili!

Tunamfurahia kila mmoja anayeingia na kuungana nasi. Hii ni kamusi elezo ya maandishi huru. Unaweza kuandika makala uipendayo ama kuitafsiri kutoka Wikipedia ya lugha nyingine.

Ukipenda kutumia kurasa zetu za mwongozo na msaada, a) ukitumia simu bofya kwa "Dawati" chini kwenye dirisha lako na b) ubadilishe mwonekano wa Wikipedia kwa kubofya "Switch to old look" kwenye menyu upande wa kushoto.

Kwa mawili matatu labda tazama:

Jisikie huru kuuliza swali lolote lihusianalo na Wikipedia hii. Karibu kujitambulisha kwenye "Ukurasa wa mtumiaji". Ukitaka kupata kwanza uzoefu wa kuweza kuhariri Wikipedia, tafadhali tumia ukurasa wako kwa majaribio. Humo unaruhusiwa kujipatia uzoefu wa uundaji wa makala za Wikipedia! Juu yako mwenyewe uandike tu kwenye ukurasa wako wa mtumiaji. Humo uko huru kutangaza chochote upendacho, kama si biashara au matusi.

Ujue miiko:

Tunakushauri pia kuandikisha email yako; haitaonekana na wengine lakini wataweza kukuandikia kupitia mfumo wa Wikipedia. Karibu sana!

Welcome to Kiswahili Wikipedia!

We welcome you even if you don't speak Kiswahili. For a bot flag go to this site. If you try to edit entries as a non-speaker, it is better to first communicate with one of our admins who can advise you. You may find them at Wikipedia:Wakabidhi. And, please:

  • do not post computer translated texts (like Google Translate, Content Translation, etc. all do not work for Swahili)
  • nor copied texts/images from other webs to this site!
  • do not use links to commercial pages, never post anything that looks like advertising.

As a newcomer we advise that you register your email. This will not be visible to others but it allows us to notify you, which often is helpful in case of problems.

Makala za Umoja wa Kisovyeti


Naona umetunga makala kadhaa kuhusu wanasiasa wa Umoja wa Kisovyeti. Asante sana, ni michango muhimu! Ombi muhimu: kabla ya kutunga makala, tafadhali fanya utafiti na kuangalia kama kuna maudhui tayari! Hii inasaidia tusiwe na makala maradufu, hasa kwa majina kutoka lugha za kigeni ambako alfaveti inaweza kutafsiriwa kwa njia tofauti , kama ni Kirusi, Kiaranbu au hata Kifaransa, Kihispania na kadhalika, ambako alama za nyongeza zinaweza kuandikwa kwa namna tofauti. Mfano katika makala zako za Gorbachev (mimi niliwahi kuandika jina hili kama "Gorbachov") na kadhalika jina la nchi haiunganishwa kwa sababu ulitunga umbo tofauti. Jina kama Gorbachov / Gornbachev linaweza kutumiwa kandokando kwa kutumia kielekezi cha "redirect". Kuweka viungo vya ndani ni muhiumu kwa wasomaji wetu, ila hapa tunahitaja kutazamiana kati ya waandishi jinsi tunavyotaja mambo. Kipala (majadiliano) 17:33, 7 Agosti 2020 (UTC)Reply

Nikihariri makala ya Gorbachov nimepitilia lugha. Naona umetumia google translate na kuimwaga moja kwa moja. Hii haifanya kazi kwetu, haitakiwi, tumeipiga marufuku! Matokeo ni mabaya. Naomba usirudie. Je wewe ni msemaji wa kiasili wa Kiswahili? Ukihitaji ushauri, tuwasiliane tu!Kipala (majadiliano) 17:52, 7 Agosti 2020 (UTC)Reply

Hi MrWaxwell I don`t know if you have read this above, and I am not sure if you understand Kiswahili, so let me write in English. Above I thanked you for starting articles on politicians which are important. I also noted that you used text which you obtained from google-translate. This is not allowed on this wikipedia (see above the welcome message). Reason is that the results are bad. Yesterday I spent more than half hour to correct the language in the Gorbachev-entry you uploaded, and I did not finish.
I see today that you uploaded Kim Jon-Il, which is again nearly unaltered google-translate. Because I do not know if you usually read this page of yours (you did not react), I block you now for one day and hope that this will help you to look at this page. You should not continue uploading content from google translate (of course everybody is free to use any way to translate texts). For any questions, please contact me via my talk page or straight on the talk page, or here. Kipala (majadiliano) 08:57, 8 Agosti 2020 (UTC)Reply
If you don't know Kiswahili, let you publish only stubs which follow about the same pattern. Peace to you! --Riccardo Riccioni (majadiliano) 11:54, 8 Agosti 2020 (UTC)Reply
I just see you were also blocked on afwiki and thwiki (https://sw.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maalum:CentralAuth?target=MrWaxwell) for the same reason. I guess you like to help these smaller wikipedias but posting just computer translations is not helpful because it results (depending on language) in bad and faulty articles. Sometimes they can just not be understood (which discourages our eaders) and often the computer translation result is just wrong, even saying the opposite. Try to talk to us, you can still write here even during block. Kipala (majadiliano) 13:44, 8 Agosti 2020 (UTC)Reply

Blocked and warned for continued upload of unchecked computer translations


I block you now for 2 weeks. You have continued to upload unchecked computer translations; example: in the Norodom Sihamoni article you claim that the father Sihanuk was abducted (he abdicated). You are requested to communicate and say openly if you know any Swahili. -- Kama hujui huwezi kuendelea maana unaleta habari zisizo sahihi na kutupa kazi ya ziada. You can continue to use this space here. Kipala (majadiliano) 11:24, 13 Agosti 2020 (UTC)Reply

Welcome again


I hope you have understood the reasons of your two weeks block. I propose again that you translate only stubs which follow the same pattern. It's possible also to you who don't know Kiswahili. Please, note my changes to your stubs: many times they are the same and can show how to do in order to reduce the need of corrections. Thank you. Peace to you! --Riccardo Riccioni (majadiliano) 09:24, 1 Septemba 2020 (UTC)Reply

I understood you don't know Swahili, but now I am asking me if you do understand English because you don't answer anything. On the contrary, you go on doing as usual, without considering our observations. Please, let you answer... --Riccardo Riccioni (majadiliano) 07:19, 3 Septemba 2020 (UTC)Reply
Why don't you answer anything? Why don't you see how we have every time to correct your contributions at the same way? Why cannot yo, for instance, add {{mbegu-mwanasiasa}} in your pages? Peace to you, mysterious contributor! --Riccardo Riccioni (majadiliano) 06:54, 13 Septemba 2020 (UTC)Reply

New warning


I have to warn you again. For some time you restricted yourself to correcting outdated names and doing one-line-entries which did not carry mistakes. Now you started longer entries like Mahmoud Abbas. You have to stop that! You do not know the language and you make too many mistakes, I warn you hereby and block you for 3 days.

If you like to come back i will allow you if you start answering here! Otherwise I will lock you out indefinitely. You can help here with some limited extent and for that we welcome you. But nothing beyond! Kipala (majadiliano) 09:31, 1 Oktoba 2020 (UTC)Reply

I do appreciate that you can help us to clean up. This is a help and you are welcome. But it has to stop here because you are not able to use a translate programme for sentences. So DO ANSWER here that we get an understanding. Kipala (majadiliano) 09:39, 1 Oktoba 2020 (UTC)Reply

You edited again without reacting to my request. I block you for 2 weeks now. You can help with your limited knowledge, but we need an understanding first. While you are blocked, you can answer here and also write me an email. Kipala (majadiliano) 11:20, 6 Oktoba 2020 (UTC)Reply
Why are you so silent? Why don't you reply? Why do you go on your way without following the requests from us, Swahili speaking people? Please, please, please! --Riccardo Riccioni (majadiliano) 05:47, 8 Novemba 2020 (UTC)Reply



Dear friend, you have decided to ignore all requests for communication. Now you bring again a bad computer translation among us. I have hesitated before to block you completeöly because a few times , when you restricted yourself to one-liners (lika adding basic data about changed heads of state), you contributed meaningful content. Now you have come back to posting a longer article in our language which you very obviously do no know. I have blocked you for a year now. If you decide to communicate, we can talk about this. If not, you remain blocked. If you return after one year without communicating, I will block you indefinitely.Kipala (majadiliano) 06:09, 11 Novemba 2020 (UTC)Reply