From Sj


I'm so glad to see you working on this edition :) Do you know anyone at unis in E.Africa? Sj 16:44, 13 Feb 2005 (UTC)

Hi, thanks for the welcome, although my Swahili isn't nearly good enough to do any real contributions here myself (yet!). I don't have any university contacts in East Africa (I went to school in Nairobi, my parents still live in Naivasha, and my fiancee did some voluntary work in Iringa recently -- that's the extent of my East Africa links at the moment, I'm afraid). Matt Crypto 16:46, 15 Feb 2005 (UTC)



I'd like to make you a sysop here, if that's alright; perhaps we should set up a page for nomination? There are only two sysops around, neither of them very active. Sj 20:50, 22 Julai 2005 (UTC)Reply

Sanduku la mchanga


I couldn't find a Sandbox here, so I made one by moving the "article" on Idadi to it. If you can set up a more normative workspace that would be fine. Or if I just don't see the Sandbox, feel free to transfer mine to it and delete the residue. --Lilendi 19:48, 16 Agosti 2005 (UTC)Reply



Asante kwa ushauri kuhusu picha. Nachukua mara nyingi katika en-wiki. Wakati mwingine inaingia moja kwa moja, wakati mwingine inakataa. Nisaidie: kwa nini ni hivyo?. Halafu: Kuna njia kupeleka picha kutoka wiki nyingine kwenda Commons bila download/upload? ? --Kipala 21:33, 1 Februari 2006 (UTC)Reply

Request for article


Greetings Matt Crypto!, Could you please help me translate this article into Swahili? (Just the "introduction" and "subtitles" would be fine). It is based on this English article. Your help would be appreciated (I am not sure if the Swahili title is correct) -- Regards, Joseph, 04:43 Sunday 12 Machi 2006 (UTC)

Thanks a lot for your help Matt Crypto. I am immensely grateful. God bless you and may you prosper! -- Joseph, 21:31 Wednesday 26 Aprili 2006 (UTC)

Picha tena


Matt, "Beseni ya mto wa Pangani.JPG" nimetunga kwa sababu wenyewe wanasema "This publication may be produced in whole or part and in any form for education or non-profit uses, without special permission from the copyright holder, provided acknowledgement of the source is made." --- Je- hiyo haitoshi?? --Kipala 08:29, 13 Aprili 2006 (UTC)Reply

Ndiyo, haitoshi. Nasikitika kwamba kwa kutumia Wikipedia, ni lazima mtu anaweza kuitumia picha kwa faida ya kibiashara ("for-profit") pia [1]. Matt Crypto 10:35, 14 Aprili 2006 (UTC)Reply

Halafu kuhusu "Picha bila maelezo ya hatimiliki" kuna ramani tatu za Tabora, Iringa na Bahari ya Shamu ambazo nimezitengeneza mwenyewe. Niandikaje? --Kipala 08:35, 13 Aprili 2006 (UTC)Reply

Ulianza na ramani hii na hii? Ukitengeneza picha moja inayotokana na picha nyingine, unahitaji ruhusa ya mshika wa hatimiliki wa picha ya asili. Kwa mfano, kuna ruhusa ikiwa picha ni chini ya leseni za GFDL au za Creative Commons fulani, au ni sehemu ya "miliki ya umma" (public domain). Matt Crypto 10:35, 14 Aprili 2006 (UTC)Reply

Umefanya usafi kweli; sasa: Umefagia "Uhabeshi redirect Ethiopia". Nimeiweka kwa sababu inahitajika. Ni jina la kawaida kwa ajili ya Ethiopia hasa katika maandiko ya kidini kwa sababu Biblia inaitumia nadhani pia waandishi wa Kiislamu. Tuirudishe. --Kipala 08:35, 13 Aprili 2006 (UTC)Reply

Niwie radhi, nimekosa. Sasa sijui kwa nini nilifagia redirect hii! Matt Crypto 10:35, 14 Aprili 2006 (UTC)Reply

Picha zimepotea


Nadhani umeshughulika picha kwenye makala "Pasaka ya Kiyahudi" -sasa hazionekani. Unaelewa tatizo ni lipi? --Kipala 10:23, 14 Aprili 2006 (UTC)Reply

Nilisogeza picha hiyo "Commons": ukitembelea makala "Pasaka ya Kiyahudi" tena, inaonekana? (Kwa mimi, inaonekana sasa.) Matt Crypto 10:41, 14 Aprili 2006 (UTC)Reply

Infobox Country


Je unaweza kuingiza template ya "Infobox Country" katika Labda kama "Sanduku la habari za nchi". Itawasaidia wote wanaotaka kutafsiri wakijua Kiingereza tu. --Kipala 21:10, 16 Aprili 2006 (UTC)Reply

Nimelinakili na nimeanza kulitafsiri sanduku hilo. Mfano wa Eritrea uko juu. Sijatafsiri kiingereza cha wikicode (kwa mfano time_zone_DST n.k.) kwa sababu kama hii mtu anaweza kunakili wikicode moja kwa moja kutoka Wikipedia ya Kiingereza (pia sijui maneno sahihi kutumia). Matt Crypto 20:07, 17 Aprili 2006 (UTC)Reply
Asante kwa kazi. Mimi nimeshatafsiri sanduku hilo mara kadhaa, nikichukua umbo lake kutoka de.wipedia. Tazama kwa mfano Jamhuri_ya_Kidemokrasia_ya_Kongo. Nina mashaka kama Eritrea ni mfano mzuri kwa sanduku la nchi lakini sina muda kuilinganisha na nchi nyingine sasa. Nitajaribu kesho. --Kipala 21:28, 17 Aprili 2006 (UTC)Reply
Nimebadili mfano wa Eritrea kwa DRC. Matt Crypto 21:37, 17 Aprili 2006 (UTC)Reply
Nimejaribu kutafsiri sehemu ya kwanza lakini nimeiacha nilipotambua sielewi GDP (JPT=jumla la pato la taifa) PPP ni nini (tazama ukurasa wangu). Naona fomu hii ni vigumu. Twende kwa kitu kilichorahisishwa. --Kipala 23:32, 17 Aprili 2006 (UTC)Reply

Babu - category??


Nimeona sasa tu ya kwmaba "category" imetafsiriwa kwa "babu". Sidhani ya kwamba inafaa. Haieleweki. "Jamii" au "Kundi" ni sawa. Kamusi zote za TUKI hazina Babu kwa maana hiyo, iko katika Madan-Johnson tu. --Kipala 18:31, 19 Aprili 2006 (UTC)Reply

"Category" ilitafsiriwa na User:Marcos majuzi. Nimemwarifu pendekezo yako, na nimeanza mjadala MediaWiki talk:Category. Tuzungumze pale. Matt Crypto 19:54, 19 Aprili 2006 (UTC)Reply

Falaki - Unajimu


Matt, naomba futa makala unajimu ukiweka maneno yake kwa falaki au badilisha jina kuwa falaki.Niliandika unajimu ingawa sikupenda neno kwa sababu unajimu ni zaidi utabiri kutokana na nyota lakini kamusi fulani ilikuwa ikitumia Unajimu - falaki ilinipita. --Kipala 18:19, 19 Aprili 2006 (UTC)Reply

Haya, nilisogeza makala Unajimu -> Falaki (halafu nilifuta redirect ya Unajimu). Matt Crypto 19:48, 19 Aprili 2006 (UTC)Reply

Guinea ya ikweta


Matt crypto, ni metumia templeti uliounda, lakini ningiataka uangaliye hasa sanduku inayo husu, guinea-ikweta uniambiye hasa makosa kwa maelezo ya bikari au compass, north-kaska, south-kusi etc.



Matt, naona unafanya kazi kweli kufagia na kuratibu wiki yetu. Mimi mwenyewe baada ya kumaliza makala kwa kawaida sina raha tena kutafakari jamii n.k. Sasa nimeangalia mambo mawili: a) hatuna njia kubadilisha "Category" kusoma "Jamii" hata katika templeti tunamoandika?

Nilichunguza jinsi kubadilisha Category kwa Jamii, na pia User, Talk, Image na kadhalika. Inawezekana, lakini inaelekea kwamba ni lazima tukubali maneno kwa hakika kabisa, halafu tuombe watungaji wa programu ya Wikipedia (developers) kuzibadilisha. Matt Crypto 08:53, 1 May 2006 (UTC)

b) Maziwa na mito inafaa kuwa jamii ndogo chini ya jiografia, au unaonaje? --Kipala 21:54, 28 Aprili 2006 (UTC)Reply

Nakubali, niliweka Category:Maziwa chini ya Category:Jiografia. Category:Mito imeshawekwa. Matt Crypto 08:53, 1 May 2006 (UTC)

Uharibifu ukurasa wa mwanzo!


Naomba angalia "Mwanzo" - sijui namna ya kuirudisha. --Kipala 20:25, 29 Aprili 2006 (UTC)Reply

Nimechelewa! Ikiwa kutakuwa mkasa mwingine, kurudisha insha ya zamani ubonyeze "historia", na chagua insha unayotaka, halafu bonyeza "hariri". Utoona ujumbe kama "ANGALIA: Unakuwa unahariri nakala ya zamani ya ukurasa huu. Ukiendelea kuihariri, mabadilisho yote yaliyofanywa tangu pale yatapotezwa". Ukibonyeza "weka ukurasa", itarudishwa. Matt Crypto 08:38, 1 May 2006 (UTC)

Hey matt, Uliweza vipi kuweka ukurasa huo wa Gabon? Nilijaribu lakini nimeona wewe karekebisha. Nime weza kuweka nembo ('emblem'). Ningiataka kujua kosa ilikua ipi? yosef

  • Halló Matt! We have started a new campaign to update the localization files. If you can help improuving the "{{int:Allmessages}}" – ‎"Jumbe za mfumo"‎ files "LanguageSw.php" and "MessagesSw.php" to run the Swahili projects please log in at [2], change the interface to the language of your prefrence at [3], go to Betawiki:LanguageSw.php and MessagesSw.php at section "contact persons" and list your name. We can start with the new messages translated already and continue step by step.‎
  • If you are on IRC please visit the channel #wikipedia-BiDi.‎
  • For other "LanguageXx.php" and "MessagesXx.php" files please see Betawiki:category:Internationalization. Thanks in advance! Best regards Gangleri · T · m: Th · T 00:20, 14 May 2006 (UTC)



Salaam Matt, ChriKo aliomba tuwe na taxobox. Nimejaribu lakini lugha ya templeti imenishinda. Una nafasi ya kusaidia? Majaribio yangu:

Sanduku la uainishaji wa mimea

Matt Crypto~swwiki
Scientific classification

Sanduku la uainishaji wa wanyama

Matt Crypto~swwiki
Scientific classification

Menginevyo nimeangalia kamusi yangu ya kiswahili cha kisayansi:

himaya = regnum

faila = phylum

ngeli = classis

nusungeli = subclassis

nusungeli ya chini = infraclassis

oda ya juu = superordo

oda = ordo

nusu oda = subordo

familia ya juu = superfamilia

familia = familia

nusu familia = subfamily

jenasi = genus (Pole, jenera ni neno limeloswahilisaizewa kutoka "genera" ambayo ni wingi wa "genus" ChriKo 22:50, 30 May 2006 (UTC))

spishi = species

Ngazi zifutazo ama sijakuta ama kamusi haifuati muundo ya wazi kwa hiyo napendekeza:

„sub ...“ > nusu...

„infra..“ > nusu ... ya chini

super...“ > ... ya juu --Kipala 16:26, 30 May 2006 (UTC)

Templeti 2


Nimejaribu Infox:River / Template:Sanduku ya Mto lakini sijafaulu... --Kipala 18:46, 30 May 2006 (UTC)

Mimi sasa nimezitunga templeti za sanduku hizi mbili: Template:Uainishaji na Template:Mto. Angalia karasa za majadiliano za templeti hizo kwa maelezo ya kuzitumia. Marcos 23:36, 30 May 2006 (UTC)

Congratutalions, and some questions


Hi Matt. I hope you understand English. Congratulations with the 1000 articles in Swahili! It's just great! It's probably the first encyclopedia in an original African language with more than 1000 articles, or?

I have been involved in Wikipedias in several other African languages, such as Bambara. I will be speaking about the Wikipedias I have been involved in. And I would be grateful if you could answer some questions. Also, any other remarks are welcome.

1. Where are you from? Where did you learn Swahili?

2. When did you hear about Wikipedia? And when about the Swahili Wikipedia? When did you start to contribute?

3. What do you think about the future of this project?

thanks, Guaka 20:37, 3 Agosti 2006 (UTC)Reply

Hi Guaka!
1) I'm from the UK. I lived in Kenya for six few years when I was growing up, and still manage to visit East Africa about once a year. I picked up a little Swahili when I lived in Kenya, but I've been trying to learn properly for the last couple of years. My Swahili isn't anywhere near good enough to write fresh articles, but I've got a fair bit of experience with MediaWiki and Wikipedia, and when I have time I try and help out here with more technical wiki aspects like templates, categories, translating the user interface etc.
2) I got involved in the English Wikipedia in March 2004, and the Swahili Wikipedia from 2005. I probably first heard about it from the Swahili article in en:.
3) It's very encouraging to have reached 1,000 articles. For a long time it was stuck with around a dozen actual articles of mediocre quality. We really need to have more African Swahili speakers involved with the project, but that may be a matter of waiting for more people to get online and to get faster connections. A Wikipedia edition needs a community of editors actively working and maintaining the project, but for that, a contributor needs a fairly decent connection to the Internet. Matt Crypto 17:35, 8 Agosti 2006 (UTC)Reply

Format Problem


Matt, I send this problem to several of you admin people as most of you have been very kimya these days. Who can fix it? --Kipala 22:32, 13 Septemba 2006 (UTC)Reply

Hello Kipala. Now that you are back, I would like to draw your attention to something which I find difficult to explain in Swahili. Have you noticed that since a while the lines that separate the sections of the articles are visible inside the taxoboxes? This is not the case in other Wikipedias. Can this be fixed? ChriKo 21:42, 13 Septemba 2006 (UTC)Reply



After some lag, you are now a bureaucrat. Keep an eye on Wikipedia:Wakabidhi and any name change requests. Cheers, Sj 10:28, 29 Septemba 2006 (UTC)Reply

Format problem persisting


Kindly have a look at Uswidi. Textbox country is being overwritten ba gallery. We had this before with taxoboxes and the inset windowa of templates like "mbegu". Any idea how to help? -- 19:51, 5 Oktoba 2006 (UTC)Reply

Flagging two bots


You could give the bot flag towards two bots by using:

Linda Ukurasa: Mpira wa Miguu


Matt, tafadhali badilisha mpira wa miguu isihaririwe na watu ambao hawajajiandikisha. Kutoka ushauri wa Steward niliyeuliza huko Meta, "please see this page for more information on page protection. And here's a link to view the current protection level for Mpira wa miguu. Link." Asante, Malangali 12:21, 12 Desemba 2006 (UTC)Reply

Re: Vandalism


Hi Matt, I'm copying this all from my usertalk page, in English so that the helpful folks from the English Wikipedia can help get this sorted out. We've got to get a system in place to stamp out the vandalism on sw wiki, or we'll find ourselves in a world of hurt. Malangali 22:44, 18 Desemba 2006 (UTC)Reply

Please see this page for more information on page protection. And here's a link to view the current protection level for Mpira wa miguu. Link --Az1568 04:01, 12 Desemba 2006 (UTC)Reply

Since all your vandals on the page Mpira wa miguu are IP addresses, selecting "registered user only" will allow real users to make legitimate edits to the page but keep the IP spammers away. Also, check to see if the IPs are open proxies (en:open proxy). If they are, they may be indefinately blocked (m:WM:NOP).
English WpA uses to test for proxies. As an example, the first vandal to that page, User: is definately a proxy:, likewise, so is User: Also check the IPs reputation on larger WMF wikis. For example User: has been blocked as an open proxy/zombie on the eN WpA: en:User talk: Similarly User: is definately block-worthy:, User: is a Email and wiki SPAMmer: , User: is evidently not a proxy, but has made repetitive robotic edits to other wikis. I'll try and remember to check back to this page, so you can ask questions here, or on my eN wikipedia talk page (en:User_talk: 03:53, 16 Desemba 2006 (UTC)Reply

Ahh, I see someone else already copied this. Basically I just WHOISed all the IPs that have been SPAMming the articel on football here. If you want to leave me a talk, I'll get it fastest on the talk page for this IP addr. on eN wikipedia. Anyway, as above, I suggest blocking most of those IPs for being proxies that will only ever cause trouble. 10:46, 19 Desemba 2006 (UTC)Reply

Salamu kutoka sw:wikipedia


Matt je bado uko hai upande wetu? Tunajisikia hatuna wakabidhi tena! --Kipala 21:13, 22 Januari 2007 (UTC)Reply

Nimerudi! Ninaweza kusaidia wapi? (Nitaanza na Wikipedia:Makala kwa ufutaji). Matt Crypto 22:44, 31 Januari 2007 (UTC)Reply
Umefufuka, kumbe!! Karibu tena. Makala ya "Mpira wa miguu" inahitaji kulindwa. Uhariri na mabadiliko kwa wenye anwani tu. --Kipala 08:53, 1 Februari 2007 (UTC)Reply
Halafu: Bots. Ukurasa wetu unajaa michango ya interwiki-bots. Ukipata nafasi labda angalia a) kama wote wameandikishwa kama bot, na b: je hatuwezi kupata nafasi ya kuangalia mabadiliko bila kuonyesha bot? (Labda hata kama hali ya kawaida? jinsi ilivyo kwenye wikipedia kubwa - huko bots hazionekana kwa kawaida lakini unaweza kubonyeza "onyesha mabadiliko ya bot") --Kipala 08:53, 1 Februari 2007 (UTC)Reply
Halafu: Sanduku la Nchi. Zimebadilika mara nyingi nikinakili kutoka en:wiki. Mistari kadhaa hazipo tena. Nafikiri kuna uwezekano kutengeneza mistari yenye amri kama "if" yaani zinaonyeshwa tu kama zipo na kama hazipo hazionekani. Nakuachia sasa sanduku la Myanmar jinsi ilivyo utaona tatizo chini kwenye "saa za eneo" - sanduku lako lina mstari usiotumika na mfano wangu inaweka kila kinachotafuta katika mabano. --Kipala 09:07, 1 Februari 2007 (UTC)Reply
Wamebadilisha wikicode kwenye sanduku la nchi la Wikipedia ya Kiingereza kutumia "if", kama ulivyosema. Ni lazima tunakili na tutafsiri sanduku tena. Nitaanza kazi mpya kesho, lakini nitajaribu kupata nafasi kutatua tatizo hilo. Matt Crypto 21:03, 4 Februari 2007 (UTC)Reply
Sawa hii ni vizuri. Templeti yako imesaidia sana! Bila templeti hii nisingemaliza nchi nyingi hivi. Nikilinganisha wikipedia yetu na nyingi nyingine kwa mfano Kilatini naona ya kwamba mbegu zetu za nchi ni bora kwa sababu ya sanduku. Wengine wana sentensi moja mbili tu kama mbegu - kwetu unapata angalau sanduku yenye habari nyingi. --Kipala 22:12, 4 Februari 2007 (UTC)Reply
Asante kwa kurudi - karibu tena!!! Ulivyoweka "bot status" kwa User:Thijs!bot naomba uidhinishe pia "bot status" kwa User:Escarbot, User:JAnDbot na User:AmaraBot. Asante. --Oliver Stegen 09:11, 1 Februari 2007 (UTC)Reply
Nimefurahi sana kusaidia tena: nisamehe kwa ughaibu. Nimetekeleza mahitaji haya ila sanduku la nchi (nitalichunguza baadaye). Nimeanza Wikipedia:Makala zinazohifadhiwa (kuhifadhi au kulinda?). Kutoka saa hii, kama vikaragosi vinahariri makala moja, haionekani katika orodha ya mabadilisho ya karibuni (natumaini!) isipokuwa unapobonyeza "fichua bots". Matt Crypto 13:32, 1 Februari 2007 (UTC)Reply
Asante kwa kazi nzuri. Kutoonekana kwa bots kunasaidia kwelikweli!! --Kipala 14:04, 3 Februari 2007 (UTC)Reply

Request for Help


Greetings Matt Crypto!

lg:User:Kizito wishes to translate the Luganda Wikipedia interface system messages into his native language.

Can you kindly support his adminship application? Thanks for your help. --Jose77 22:54, 1 Februari 2007 (UTC)Reply

Sorry, I really only comment on adminship applications for people I know. Matt Crypto 20:32, 4 Februari 2007 (UTC)Reply

Tufunge uhariri kwa wale waliojiandikisha?


Napendekeza kufungs uharitri wa makala kwa watumiaji waliojiandikisha. Uhalifu wote hadi sasa ilikuwa ya watu bila jina. Leo nilirudisha "Msaada wa kuanzisha makala" baada ya uhalifu. Hatujakuwa na matatizo mengi bado lakini ilhali tuko wachache inasumbua hata hivyo. Wasimamizi wenzangu: Je kuna tatizo lolote tukitaka kuruhusu uhariri wote kwa waliojiandikisha tu? (Naomba jibu kwenye ukurasa Wikipedia:Jumuia) --Kipala 21:00, 27 Februari 2007 (UTC)Reply

Akaunti za kikaragosi


Naomba uidhinishe akaunti ya kikaragosi kwa USer:MelancholieBot na User:VolkovBot. Asante! Tuko pamoja, --Oliver Stegen 07:57, 6 Machi 2007 (UTC)Reply

Nimefanya hivyo. Matt Crypto 06:36, 7 Machi 2007 (UTC)Reply

Naomba uidhinishe akaunti ya kikaragosi kwa User:TXiKiBoT. Asante! --Oliver Stegen 13:06, 20 Machi 2007 (UTC)Reply

Bado sanduku la nchi


Matt, naomba angalia Serbia. Kuna bado templeti hizi zisizofaa kwenye sanduku la nchi. Wasalaam --Kipala 22:15, 11 Machi 2007 (UTC)Reply

Request for bot bit


Hi, I'd like to request you to set a bot bit for User:SieBot with reference to Wikipedia:Jumuia#SieBot. Thank you. Cheers! Siebrand 18:29, 26 Aprili 2007 (UTC)Reply



Matt nitafurahia sana kama utapata nafasi ya kusahihisha templeti hii. You know since you did that there has been some change in the English template -not too much but it gives trouble. Moreover a number of similar templates is available , i just spent some time adapting en:Infobox States of Malaysia to our template. That takles a lot of time.

I imagine the following to be very helpful: there is this command IF in the templates for the boxes which means that a specific line is only shown if there is an information anfter the = sign. This would be helpful because it means I just get a strongly abbreviated box if I rebaptize this "Template:Infobox States of Malaysia" (or other similar boxes) as "Template:Infobox_Country". BUT I will not get all this takataka of commands in "}}}" signs because our template demands them. I think it is much easier to add some needed information instead of working thru the whole thing to get these command lines into the rebaptized template. I hope you understand that! I don`t manage that syntax, spent too much time on it and it still did not work. So can you get this IF-option into the template? Rgds --Kipala 09:23, 28 Aprili 2007 (UTC)Reply

Bot status


Twahitaji kazi yako! Siku hizi kuna bot tatu zinazojaza orodha ya mabadilisho: Robbot, CommonsDelinker na TXiKiBoT . Naomba ufuatilie. -- 11:50, 6 May 2007 (UTC)

Bot flag


Hello Everybody! Can you please accept my bot on your Wikipedia. I intend to run the bot to support and maintain the interwiki links to ar.wikipedia. Thanks--OsamaKBOT 16:27, 6 May 2007 (UTC)

Hello Matt Crypto, Where are you?--OsamaKBOT 17:56, 29 May 2007 (UTC)

Bot tena


Matt, naomba umwangalie EDUCA33E . -- 11:24, 13 May 2007 (UTC)

Matt, EDUCA33E still without Bot-flag. Kindly do something about him! --Kipala 11:22, 18 May 2007 (UTC)
Matt, tena huyu Bot aliyebadilisha jina sasa. "Le Pied-bot". Je unakosa nafasi kupita kwetu sw? --Kipala 19:58, 20 May 2007 (UTC)

Bot flag request for User:TXiKiBoT


Hello! Can you please give me the bot flag in order to not flooding the recent changes? Here's my request explanation for it:

Hello, I'm eu:TXiKi, from the basque wikipedia, and I would like to ask you for a bot flag here to add and correcting interwiki links from and to this Wikipedia. I'm an admin user in the basque wikipedia (eu) and I have the bot flag in more than 80 wikipedias. I work with the pywikipedia framework correcting the most linked pages as years, decades, domains, municipalities, etc. This is the full list of the wikipedias where I have a flagged bot: am, an, ar, ast, az, bat-smg, be, bn, bpy, br, bs, ca, co, cs, csb, cv, cy, da, de, el, en, eo, es, et, eu, fo, fr, frp, fur, fy, ga, gd, gl, gu, he, hi, ht, hy, is, it, ja, jv, ka, kn, ksh, ku, lb, lij, lmo, ln, lt, mi, mk, mr, ms, mzn, na, nah, nap, nds-nl, nl, no, nrm, oc, os, pl, pt, ru, ru-sib, scn, sco, simple, sk, sl, sq, sr, su, sv, ta, te, tet, tg, th, tr, tt, uk, ur, vec, vi, vls, vo, wa, zh-classical and zh-yue. I can speak basque, spanish, catalan and english. Thank you. TXiKiBoT 12:10, 23 May 2007 (UTC)

Deleted user page


Dear Matt Crypto, could you please explain on what basis are you deleting my user page? Apcbg 13:08, 16 Juni 2007 (UTC)Reply

Did I really delete your user page? Matt Crypto 15:42, 8 Julai 2007 (UTC)Reply

Bots on sw-wiki


Matt, bots without flags keep on popping up on sw-wiki. Like this TXiKiBoT. Don't you have time to check at least once a week on your own ?? Kindly react on your sw-page which at the moment is pretty bure nikitaka kukuachia ujumbe. --Kipala 10:30, 17 Juni 2007 (UTC)Reply



Hello Matt Crypto! I ask for permission to run my interwiki bot Byrialbot at this wiki, and possibly get a bot flag for it.

  • Operator: User:Byrial
  • Operator's home project: da:User:Byrial
  • Purpose: Interwiki
  • Have bot flag at: ar:, bs:, bpy:, cs:, da:, de:, en:, eo:, et:, fo:, fr:, he:, hu:, id:, io:, is:, it:, ka:, ksh:, lb:, li:, lt:, lv:, ms:, nds:, nn:, no:, pms:, pt:, ru:, simple:, sl:, sv:, uk:, vo:
  • Details: Interwiki using Pywikipediabot starting from da:, nn:, no: and sv:. It mostly runs manually assisted and I try to solve found interwiki conflicts when I can.

It is not running yet as it waits for permission. Please tell if you like to see any test edits. Thank you! Byrial 10:00, 22 Juni 2007 (UTC)Reply



Hello, I'm eu:TXiKi, from the basque wikipedia, and I would like to ask you for a bot flag here to add and correcting interwiki links from and to this Wikipedia. I'm an admin user in the basque wikipedia (eu) and I have the bot flag in more than 100 wikipedias. I work with the pywikipedia framework correcting the most linked pages as years, decades, domains, municipalities, etc. This is the full list of the wikipedias where I have a flagged bot: als, am, an, ar, ast, az, bat-smg, be, bn, bo, bpy, br, bs, ca, co, cs, csb, cv, cy, da, de, el, en, eo, es, et, eu, fa, fi, fo, fr, frp, fur, fy, ga, gd, gl, gn, gu, he, hi, hr, ht, hu, hy, ig, is, it, ja, jv, ka, kn, ko, ksh, ku, la, lb, lij, lmo, ln, lt, lv, mi, mk, ml, mr, ms, mzn, na, nah, nap, nds-nl, nl, no, nov, nrm, oc, os, pl, pms, pt, ru, ru-sib, scn, sco, sh, simple, sk, sl, sq, sr, ss, su, sv, ta, te, tet, tg, th, tl, tr, tt, uk, ur, vec, vi, vls, vo, wa, zh, zh-classical, zh-min-nan and zh-yue. I can speak basque, spanish, catalan and english. Thank you. TXiKiBoT 20:34, 7 Julai 2007 (UTC)Reply



Hi Matt, I'd like to request you to set a bot bit for PipepBot with reference to Wikipedia:Jumuia#Bot_status_for_PipepBot. Thank you. it:User:Pipep 18:44, 29 Agosti 2007 (UTC)Reply

Thank you! it:User:Pipep 00:45, 3 Septemba 2007 (UTC)Reply

bots on sw-wiki


Matt, salaam, tunahitaji botflag kwenye sw. AlleborgoBot aliomba muda kidogo --Kipala 23:06, 18 Oktoba 2007 (UTC)Reply

Matt upo?


Salam nyingi Nd. Matt, mimi ni mmoja wa wachangiaji wazuri katika Sw-wiki, lakini huwa sikuoni kabisaa hewani, ilhali wewe ni mkabidhi iankuwaje? Au ndiyo kazi nyingi!! haya basi mie nakutakia kila lakheri katika safari hii ya kuendeleza Wikipedia. Ahsante --Mwanaharakati 09:05, 6 Novemba 2007 (UTC)Reply

Bot flag request for User:Tarakilishi

  • Bot operator: User:White Cat (Commons:User:White Cat) - En-N, Tr-4, Ja-1
  • List of botflags on other projects: Bot has a flag on wikimedia (meta,commons) wikipedia (ar, az, de, en, es, et, fr, is, ja, ku, nn, no, ru, sr, tr, uz, simple) (See: m:User:White Cat#Bots)
  • Purpose: Interwiki linking, double redirect fixing, commons delinking (for cases where commonsdelinker fails)

-- Cat chi? 12:41, 15 Mei 2008 (UTC)Reply

Rename of User:Tarakilishi to User:タチコマ robot


Please rename the account. I own both accounts... -- Cat chi? 13:22, 26 Julai 2008 (UTC)Reply

Uso mpya wa wikipedia


Jamani napenda kujua ni nani aliyebadilisha uso wa wikipedia yetu ufuata muundo mpya? Kuliuwa na mjajadiliano na wapi? Sipendezwi sana nayo. Nimeona katika wikipedia nyingine waliwapa watu nafasi ya kujadiliana na hata chaguo. Kipala (majadiliano) 10:49, 8 Septemba 2010 (UTC)Reply

Kura ya kuamua juu ya wakabidhi waliopotea


Karibu kutembelea ukurasa wa wakabidhi na kuamua juu ya wenzetu waliopewa haki za wakabidhi lakini hawakuonekana tangu miezi mingi: Wikipedia:Wakabidhi#Kura_ya_kuondoa_wakabidhi_waliopotea. Tuliwahi kujadili swali hili mwaka uliopita (tazama kwenye ukurasa unaotajwa, juu ya pendekezo) ; sasa njia imeonekana. Kipala (majadiliano) 05:31, 1 Oktoba 2010 (UTC)Reply

Your account will be renamed


08:27, 20 Machi 2015 (UTC)



11:58, 19 Aprili 2015 (UTC)