Sulpisi Severi
(Elekezwa kutoka Sulpicius Severus)
Sulpisi Severi (363 – 425 hivi) alikuwa seneta na askofu mzaliwa wa Aquitaine[1] katika Ufaransa wa leo.

Ni maarufu kwa habari alizoandika kuhusu historia ya Kanisa, na wasifu wa Martin wa Tours.
Gregori wa Tours alisifu hekima yake, juhudi zake kwa uchungaji na kwa kurekebisha maadili yaliyokuwa yameharibika[2].
Tangu zamani anaheshimiwa na Wakatoliki na Waorthodoksi kama mtakatifu.
Sikukuu yake inaadhimishwa kila mwaka tarehe 29 Januari[3].
Tazama pia
hariri- ↑ EB1911|wstitle=Severus, Sulpicius |volume=24|pages=726–727|short=1
- ↑
- ↑ Martyrologium Romanum
Maandishi yake
haririSeverus' works are to be found in Patrologia Latina 20, 95-248; later edition by Karl Halm, Opera, CSEL 1 (Vienna, 1866) (on Google Books)
- Bernays, Über die Chronik des Sulpicius Severus (Berlin, 1861)
- Bardenhewer, tr. Shahan, Patrology (St. Louis, 1908), 451-53
- Bennett in Dict. Christ. Biog., s.v. Severus (18)
- Goodrich, Richard J. 2015. Sulpicius Severus: The Complete Works. Introduction, Translation, and Notes. New York: Paulist Press.
- C. Stancliffe (1983) St. Martin and his Hagiographer. History and Miracle in Sulpicius Severus (Oxford)
- G.K. van Andel (1976) The Christian Concept of History in the Chronicle of Sulpicius Severus (Amsterdam)
hariri- Barnes, Timothy D. 2010. Early Christian Hagiography and Roman History. Tria Corda 5. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
- Booker, Courtney M. 1997. "Precondition to Miracle :the Construction of Discernment and its Application in the Works of Sulpicius Severus and Gregory of Tours. Orpheus. 18 (1): 182-195.
- Goodrich, Richard J. 2007. "Vir Maxime Catholicus: Sulpicius Severus' Use and Abuse of Jerome in the Dialogi." The Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 58(2), 189–210. Cambridge University Press.
- Kitchen, John. 2005. "'Raised from the Dung': Hagiography, Liberation, and the Social Subversiveness of Early Medieval Christianity." In Rhetoric and Reality in Early Christianities. Studies in Christianity and Judaism 16. Edited by Willi Braun. Waterloo, Ontario: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
- McKinley, Allan Scott. 2006. "The First Two Centuries of Saint Martin of Tours." Early Medical Europe. 14 (1) : 173-200.
- Stancliffe, Clare. 1983. St. Martin and his Hagiographer: History and Miracle in Sulpicius Severus. Oxford: Clarendon.
- Van Andel, G. 1980. Sulpicius Severus and Origenism. Vigiliae Christianae, 34(3), 278-287.
- Robins, William. 2000. "Romance and Renunciation at the Turn of the Fifth Century." Journal of Early Christian Studies 8(4), 531-557.
- Williams, Michael Stuart. 2011. "Time and Authority in the Chronicle of Sulpicius Severus." In The Western Time of Ancient History: Historiographical Encounters with the Greek and Roman Pasts. Edited by Alexandra Lianeri. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 280-297.
- Yuzwa, Zachary. 2014. "Reading Genre in Sulpicius Severus’ Letters." Journal of Late Antiquity 7(2), 329-350.
Viungo vya nje
hariri- Multilanguage Opera Omnia by Migne Patrologia Latina
- Dickinson College Commentaries: Life of St. Martin of Tours
- "Sulpicius Severus" Ilihifadhiwa 20 Februari 2020 kwenye Wayback Machine. (including links to translated works) at the Preterist (Study) Archive
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