Wasiosadiki Utatu
Wasiosadiki Utatu ni Wakristo ambao wanakusha fundisho hilo la msingi la madhehebu karibu yote ya dini iliyoanzishwa na Yesu.
Biblia haitumii neno Utatu, ambalo limetungwa na wanateolojia katika jitihada za kufafanua ukweli wa Yesu Kristo kama Mwana wa Mungu na wa Roho Mtakatifu.
Kwa kuwatambua wote wawili kuwa wa milele lakini si Baba, wanateolojia wengi, hasa mababu wa Kanisa, walikiri kuwa zote tatu ni nafsi tofauti za Mungu pekee.
Mitaguso ya kiekumene kuanzia karne ya 4 ilithibitisha mafundisho hayo kama imani sahihi na kutupilia mbali yaliyo kinyume kama uzushi.[1][2][3][4]
Hata hivyo Waario na wengineo hawakukubali dogma hizo,[5] hivyo asilimia ndogo ya Wakristo imeendelea kukataa kusadiki fumbo la Utatu, na kukiri umoja wa nafsi ya Mungu,[6][7][8][9] ingawa kwa kutofautiana wao kwa wao.[10]
Kati ya makundi makubwa zaidi yenye msimamo huo kuna Wamormoni na Mashahidi wa Yehova, lakini pia baadhi ya Wapentekoste.
hariri- ↑ Roger E. Olson, Christopher Alan Hall (Eerdmans 2002 ISBN 978-0-80284827-7), p. 15
- ↑ Roger E. Olson, The Story of Christian Theology (InterVarsity Press 1999 ISBN 978-0-83081505-0), p. 173
- ↑ Bernhard Lohse, A Short History of Christian Doctrine (Fortress Press 1966 ISBN 978-1-45140423-4), p. 55
- ↑ Deno John Geanakoplos, Constantinople and the West (University of Wisconsin Press 1989 ISBN 978-0-29911884-6), p. 152
- ↑ Frank Leslie Cross, Elizabeth A. Livingstone (editors), The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church (Oxford University Press 2005 ISBN 978-0-19280290-3), entry: "Arianism"
- ↑ http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/590747/Theodosius-I
- ↑ http://www.fourthcentury.com/index.php/urkunde-33
- ↑ "Nakala iliyohifadhiwa". Ilihifadhiwa kwenye nyaraka kutoka chanzo mnamo 2013-10-14. Iliwekwa mnamo 2014-09-22.
- ↑ http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/12976/Albigensian-Crusade
- ↑ von Harnack, Adolf (1894-03-01). "History of Dogma". Iliwekwa mnamo 2007-06-15.
[In the 2nd century,] Jesus was either regarded as the man whom God hath chosen, in whom the Deity or the Spirit of God dwelt, and who, after being tested, was adopted by God and invested with dominion, (Adoptionist Christology); or Jesus was regarded as a heavenly spiritual being (the highest after God) who took flesh, and again returned to heaven after the completion of his work on earth (pneumatic Christology)
hariri- Tuggy, Dale (Summer 2014), "Trinity", Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
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Viungo vya nje
hariri- Five Major Problems With The Trinity 21st Century Reformation by Dan J. Gill
- The Trinity: True or False? Ilihifadhiwa 18 Machi 2007 kwenye Wayback Machine. by James H. Broughton & Peter J Southgate
- The Origin of the Trinity: From Paganism to Constantine Ilihifadhiwa 5 Agosti 2014 kwenye Wayback Machine.
- Should you believe in the Trinity? Ilihifadhiwa 20 Juni 2012 kwenye Wayback Machine. - Jehovah's Witnesses perspective
- An investigation of the trinity of Plato and of Philo Judaeus, and of the effects which an attachment to their writings had upon the principles and reasonings of the father of the Christian church, by Caesar Morgan, Cambridge University Press, 1853.
- Antitrinitarian Biography; or, Sketches of the lives and writings of distinguished antitrinitarians, exhibiting a view of the state of the Unitarian doctrine and worship in the principal nations of Europe, from the reformation to the close of the seventeenth century, to which is prefixed a history of Unitarianism in England during the same period, Robert Wallace, 1850.
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