Pusisi (alifariki nchini Uajemi, 341) ni kati ya Wakristo elfu kadhaa, waliouawa kwa sababu ya imani yao katika dhuluma ya mfalme Sabor II pamoja na Patriarki Simeoni[1].

Pusisi, afisa wa ikulu, alichomwa shingo kwa upanga siku ya Jumamosi Kuu kwa sababu ya kumtia moyo padri Anania asiasi Ukristo kama alivyoelekea kufanya[2][3].

Tangu kale anaheshimiwa na Waorthodoksi, Waorthodoksi wa Mashariki na Wakatoliki kama mtakatifu mfiadini.

Sikukuu yake huadhimishwa tarehe 18 Aprili[4].

Tazama pia



  1. A near-contemporary 5th century Christian work, the Ecclesiastical History of Sozomen, contains considerable detail on the Persian Christians martyred under Shapur II. Sozomen estimates the total number of Christians killed as follows: The number of men and women whose names have been ascertained, and who were martyred at this period, has been computed to be upwards of sixteen thousand, while the multitude of martyrs whose names are unknown was so great that the Persians, the Syrians, and the inhabitants of Edessa, have failed in all their efforts to compute the number. — Sozomen, in his Ecclesiastical History, Book II, Chapter XIV
  2. https://catholicsaints.info/saint-pusicio/
  3. http://www.santiebeati.it/dettaglio/49920
  4. Martyrologium Romanum


  • Book of Saints, by the Monks of Ramsgate
  • Our Sunday Visitor’s Encyclopedia of Saints
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