Paulo wa Narbonne (aliishi karne ya 3 BK) alikuwa askofu wa kwanza wa Narbonne (leo nchini Ufaransa)[1].



Kadiri ya wanahistoria Wakristo[2]. chini ya kaisari Decius (250 BK), Papa Fabian alituma maaskofu 7 kutoka Roma kwenda Gallia (Ufaransa wa leo) wakahubiri Injili: Grasyano huko Tours, Trofimo huko Arles, Paulo huko Narbonne, Saturnini huko Toulouse, Denis huko Paris, Austremoni huko Clermont na Martial huko Limoges[3].

Tangu kale Paulo anaheshimiwa na Wakatoliki na Waorthodoksi kama mtakatifu mfiadini ingawa hakuuawa kwa ajili ya imani wakati wa dhuluma ya kaisari Decius.

Sikukuu yake huadhimishwa tarehe 22 Machi[4][5].

Tazama pia



  2. The Vetus Martyrologium Romanum (1961) under Die 18 Decembris: Quintodecimo Kalendas Januarii: "Turonis, in Gallia, Sancti Gatiani Episcopi, qui, a Sancto Fabiano Papa primus ejusdem civitatis Episcopus ordinatus est, et multis clarus miracolis obdormivit in Domino".
  3. Gregory of Tours (Historia Francorum I, 30), using the acta of Saturninus, affirms that Paul was among those priests consecrated at Rome and sent to replant the Christian communities in Gaul. Saturninus of Toulouse and Dionysius (Denis) of Paris were martyred, but Paul survived to establish the church at Narbonne as its first bishop and die in peace. The claim of Prudentius that Paul's association with the city of Narbonne had made it famous may be read as literary hyperbole. There is a brief Vita Antiqua perhaps of the 6th century, which has been edited by the Bollandists. It tells that Paul converted the inhabitants of Béziers, setting over them a bishop, Aphrodisius, before turning his attention to Narbonne, where he founded two churches. An anecdote recounts how two of his acolytes set a woman's slippers at the foot of his bed, to accuse him of improprieties, but Paul was able miraculously to confound and pardon them.
  4. Martyrologium Romanum
  5. "St. Paul of Narbonne". Catholic Online. Iliwekwa mnamo Machi 22, 2013.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: date auto-translated (link)
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