Naona kama mnafanana na huyu

General Instructions


Contest Websites:


- Remember to sign up for the Google Group which is appropriate for you: - You can always read past discussions and emails from us on the Google Group discussions pages. - For a list of suggested articles to translate, see the archives of the google groups mailing list or email the group - If you have any questions at all (how to work within Wikipedia, how to deal with references, or if you're having trouble with your submissions page) PLEASE post them to the KWC "talk page" (link at the top of the project page). Then everyone can look there first to see if their question has already been answered. It provides a great opportunity for you all to help each other and it is more efficient than sending emails to me or to the organizing group.

We've been receiving emails from participants who are having a hard time creating their submissions page. Below are the step by step instructions for getting started, but with a few more pointers than last time, which should help. Pay special attention to step 3-3.2, which explains how to submit your articles.

Getting started in Wikipedia

1. Create a Wikipedia account

2. Create a user page. Go to this URL: (type in your Wikipedia username in place of "USERNAME")

If you don't already have a user page, you will see a message that one doesn't exist, so you can 'search for this page title' in other pages, 'search the related logs' or 'edit this page'. You should click 'edit this page'. In the text box, please add a little information about yourself - who are you, why are you interested in participating in the challenge, what are your interests, etc.

2.1. Remember to identify yourself and your school. Please add one of the badges below to your user page(go into edit mode and you'll be able to cut and paste). You can do this by copying and pasting the appropriate label/badge below into the text of your user page text box.

KWC Mtumiaji huyu ni mwanafunzi katika JKUAT.
KWC Mtumiaji huyu ni mshiriki katika Shindano la Wikipedia ya Kiswahili la 2009.   (Submissions)

KWC Mtumiaji huyu ni mwanafunzi katika Chuo Kikuu cha Nairobi.
KWC Mtumiaji huyu ni mshiriki katika Shindano la Wikipedia ya Kiswahili la 2009.   (Submissions)

KWC Mtumiaji huyu ni mwanafunzi katika Chuo Kikuu cha Strathmore.
KWC Mtumiaji huyu ni mshiriki katika Shindano la Wikipedia ya Kiswahili la 2009.   (Submissions)

KWC Mtumiaji huyu ni mwanafunzi katika Chuo Kikuu cha Kenyatta.
KWC Mtumiaji huyu ni mshiriki katika Shindano la Wikipedia ya Kiswahili la 2009.   (Submissions)

KWC Mtumiaji huyu ni mwanafunzi katika Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam.
KWC Mtumiaji huyu ni mshiriki katika Shindano la Wikipedia ya Kiswahili la 2009.   (Submissions)

KWC Mtumiaji huyu ni mwanafunzi katika Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology.
KWC Mtumiaji huyu ni mshiriki katika Shindano la Wikipedia ya Kiswahili la 2009.   (Submissions)

KWC Mtumiaji huyu ni mwanafunzi katika IFM.
KWC Mtumiaji huyu ni mshiriki katika Shindano la Wikipedia ya Kiswahili la 2009.   (Submissions)

KWC Mtumiaji huyu ni mshiriki katika Shindano la Wikipedia ya Kiswahili la 2009.   (Submissions)
(for individuals) 

Two great examples of what your user page should look like:

You can also see the way that Martin Nduati set up his userpage a little differently. To see how he did this, you can click 'edit' on his user page to see the 'tags' he used in the text box to change how his badges are shown.

3. Create a submissions page where you will submit the list of your articles: sample: To create your own submissions page, type this URL into your browser and replace "USERNAME" with your user name:

Once you are on that page, with your username in the URL, you will see a message telling you the page doesn't yet exist. Click the "edit this page" link.

3.1. You will then use the text box to report an article as ready for review. You can do this by adding this text in the text box:

|- | Article Name || comments about the article

For example:

|- | Jomo Kenyatta || worked with DenisG, ChrissMoon. translated from en.

Translated articles should all include a link to the article they were translated from. You can do this by putting "[[ ]]" around the article title or clicking on the 'internal link' button on top when you're in "editting" mode.

3.2. You'll need to then make sure you're listed on the Submissions page for your school/category. You can do this by going to the page using the URLs below, and editing the submission page for your school or category. (for individuals not associated with one of the above universities)

When you edit that submissions page for your school or category, you'll see the common template used in the text box. Please copy the template for yourself, adding this text to the text box, using your user name instead: === username (talk contribs count logs email) === edit or rate submissions

Wikipedia:Kiswahili Wikipedia Challenge/Submissions/username
Article Author notes Pts Judge Comments

Google Translator Toolkit – If you’re having trouble publishing your article to Wikipedia after you've translated it, try these steps:

If you can't press the "publish to source" menu item i.e. if it looks greyed out: - First hit "Edit-> Translation Complete". Now hit "Share -> publish to source" If you can press the button, but nothing happens: - Ensure that pop-ups are enabled. Here's some instructions of how to do this, per browser type. Once you have popups enabled, you can try "publish to source" again.

Older discussion


Christine sasa ametualika kumwandikia maoni yetu, angalia tovuti hiyo: Bahati mbaya yeye haelewi Kiswahili, kwa hiyo itakuwa lazima kumwandikia kwa Kiingereza. Asante kwa michango yako! Ni wako katika ujenzi wa lugha yetu, --Baba Tabita (majadiliano) 08:08, 10 Oktoba 2009 (UTC)

Habari, BT. We talked about organizing a contest or wikicup, over a number of months. With prizes each month, and a grand prize for individuals and also for university teams. Google has contacts at a number of Tanzanian and Kenyan universities, where they can provide them with free wifi access (inside school or at an internet cafe)... and they can sponsor some prizes for the contest.

Usipokuwa na akaunti ya Google, utaweza kumtumia baruapepe; anwani yake ni mooncheech (at) [sikuandika na alama ya @; uiingize wewe mwenyewe]. (Baba)

I also told Christine she might want to reach out to you and other admins here; we should organize a chat early next week. She's interestd in organizing face-to-face meetings in Dar and Nairobi. Christine says -- "I am available every day of the week" so let's decide on a time here and suggest it. Sj (majadiliano) 16:36, 10 Oktoba 2009 (UTC)Reply
I've skyped with her just this morning (well, it was 22.30 for her). Skype is fine with me, mostly a.m. East African time (= 700-1000 GMT). Monday or Wednesday should work; Tuesday is out for me. When I'm at the office, I'll keep myself logged in (name: stegling). Talk to you then. --Baba Tabita (majadiliano) 17:48, 10 Oktoba 2009 (UTC)Reply
This is great idea. I am looking forward to see the Tanzanians/Kenyans are gathered together and expanding their encyclopedia. Also, I would like to know the day and the time which we are going to meet online? My skype id is mohammed.lupinga. Yours,--  MwanaharakatiLonga 08:08, 12 Oktoba 2009 (UTC)Reply



How does one submit an article on the submissions page for review?--Nduati (majadiliano) 14:57, 25 Novemba 2009 (UTC)Reply

  1. Every student has their own submissions page. Create one by following the link in your {{user kwc}} badge.
    • Add {{user kwc}} or {{user kwc independent}} to your userpage, if you don't already have a badge.
    • This produces a badge stating you are competing in the Challenge. It has a link to (Submissions) at the bottom of the badge -- follow that link.
    • The first time you follow the link, it will be red, because the page does not exist yet. You will be taken to an edit page where you can add entries to the page.
    • After that, you will be taken to your current list of submissions (Example: Ajcantelmi) and will need to edit that page to add new entries.
  2. Add new articles once they are ready for review, with the {{kwc}} badge.
    • Add a new line to the page with the following text:
      {{kwc|ARTICLE NAME}} || comments, translation links
    • For example:
      {{kwc|Jomo Kenyatta}} || worked with DenisG, ChrissMoon. translated from en.
    • Translated articles should include a link to the article they were translated from. You can do this by putting "[ ]" around the URL of the original.
  3. Check that you are listed on the Submissions page for your school/category. You can do this by going to the page using the URLs below, and editing the submission page for your school or category.
    UDSM ~ IFM ~ DIT ~ JKUAT ~ Strathmore ~ U. Nairobi ~ Kenyatta
    Independent (for individuals not on a university team)
    1. When you edit the submissions page for your school or category, you will see the template for adding yourself ({{kwc list|USERNAME}}) at the top of the text box. Please copy the template for yourself, replacing USERNAME with your name.
    --Ajcantelmi (majadiliano) 07:42, 2 Desemba 2009 (UTC)Reply

What to do with unacceptable entries / technical formal faults


Inaonekana mashindano yanaleta kiasi cha michango ama ya majaribio au labda yanayokusudiwa kuingia lakini hali zao ni duni sana. Mfano makala ambazo ni pekee google-translation bila sahihisho (hivyo lugha isiyoeleweka), au makala bila yaliyomo (kichwa tu) na kadhalika (mfano: Mchango wao mkubwa).

Mimi nimefuta makala kadhaa za aina hii. Tatizo ni ya kwamba haionekani moja kwa moja kama mchango ni wa mashindano au la. Kwa hiyo: tuache masahihisha kwa sasa au tuendelee kuondo yale yasiyofaa kabisa 100%.

Swali lingine ni makala yenye maana ambako mchangiaji alikosea umbo hivyo makala haisomeki au inasomeka kwa matata. Mfano: kutoanza mstari kwenye nafasi ya kwanza ya mstari inayosababisha mistari mirefu kushinda dirisha la kompyuta. Nimesahihisha hapa ingawa inabadilisha umbo katika mshindano. Tuache au vipi? --Kipala (majadiliano) 17:33, 28 Novemba 2009 (UTC)Reply

Salaam Kipala. Sijui, kuna sera au uzoefu gani juu ya kufuta makala hapa Wikipedia ya Kiswahili? Je, tunaweka kigezo kwenye ukurasa wenye matata, ili kuwaarifu wasomaji na watumizi kwamba ukurasa haufai na utatolewa baada ya kipindi fulani? Uzuri wa kutumia ilani kama huu ni kwamba kufuta moja kwa moja, bila kuwapa watumizi nafasi ya kuboresha makala au kujieleza, inaweza kuwafanya wakate tamaa, hasa wageni kabisa, ambao tunao wengi kwa kipindi hiki cha mashindano. Ila nakubali kwamba makala kama 'Mchango wao mkubwa', ambazo hata vichwa havieleweki, zifutwe moja kwa moja.
Na kuna ukurasa wa kujadili makala ambazo zimependekezwa zifutwe? Ukurasa wa aina kuo unaweza kusaidia kuwapa watumizi wageni nafasi ya kujieleza, pamoja na kupata ushauri wa watumizi wenye uzoefu.
Katika swali kuhusu kuboresha umbo wa makala, au kuacha, sijui tena! Je, tungeweza kueleza namna ya kuboresha kwenye ukurasa wa majadiliano badala ya kubadilisha wenyewe? Kimsingi tunahitaji kurasa za msaada zilizoandikwa Kiswahili - lakini muda ndiyo mfupi na kazi ni nyingi! Au labda tuache hadi kipindi cha mashindano kimekwisha, halafu turekebishe makosa kama haya? Lloffiwr (majadiliano) 23:49, 1 Desemba 2009 (UTC)Reply
Mmhh, haya sasa mambo! Kufuta makala zisizo na msingi wakati shindano ni lazima. Hofu yangu/yetu kwamba tukiacha makala hizo kwa muda mrefu bila kuchukua hatua yoyote ile, shida itakuja kwenye kuzitafuta hapo baadaye. Inakuwa vigumu sana kuanza kuchambua moja baada ya nyingine - ndiyo sababu iliyopelekea mimi kufuta makala kadhaa za mashindano. Sikuwa na jinsi, bali kufanya hivyo. Kwa mfano kuna mtu kaandika upya makala ya Tanzania - sijui hata nifanyeje, labda nikipata muda nichague maelezo mazuri (huku narudisha ukurasa wa awali) na kuchukua maelezo baadhi katika ukurasa mpya na kuyatumia. Basi ni shida juu ya shida, lakini haya!!! Pia, nimeona (dada) ukisema kwamba tuwataarifu kwenye ukurasa wa "makala kwa ufutaji" - nayo inakuwa shida kwa sababu hawajielezi. Pia, wanaonekana kutokuwa na moyo wa dhati. Hivyo hata mawasiliano inakuwa shida. Hapo je?--  MwanaharakatiLonga 06:15, 2 Desemba 2009 (UTC)Reply
Nakubali ni vigumu kufuta mno sasa shauri ya kutokatisha tamaa. Lakini naona pia tusiache michango mibovu jinsi ilivyo. Basi tuweke vigezo vya kuonya maana kila kigezo kinaunda orodha (kupitia "Viungo viungavyo ukurasa huu") na baadaye tunaweza kupanga kupitia orodha hii. Kwa hiyo, labda Muddy na Accountable wasaidie? Napendekeza kigezo {{umbo}} nimeisahihisha kwa kusudi hili. Lina onyo ndani yake, majadiliano ni kwenye ukurasa wa majadiliano ya ukurasa mwenyewe. Kwa njia hii hatujazi orodha ya kufuta sasa na watu wanapata mmuda. Baada ya mashindano tupite (tukiona masahihisho hata kabla).
Je tunaye mtu anayeweza kutengeneza ukurasa wa kudumu unaoonyesha kurasa zote zenye kigezo cha "umbo" na kujisahihisha yenyewe? Maana anwani hii ingeingia katika kigezo pamoja na ombi la kujiandikisha kwenye ukurasa wake wa majadiliano kama wameboresha makala. Hii ni kama ukurasa wa pili wa "Ufutaji" lakini kwa kazi kidogo zaidi. --Kipala (majadiliano) 22:20, 8 Desemba 2009 (UTC)Reply
Nimetengeneza jamii ya Makala zenye matatizo. Kila ukurasa wenye kigezo cha 'umbo' utaoorodheshwa moja kwa moja kwenye jamii hii. Ila tu, bado haifanyi kazi sawasawa. Labda inabidi tusubiri, seva ipate nafasi ya kujirekebisha. Nitafanya utafiti zaidi baadaye kidogo. Lloffiwr (majadiliano) 13:41, 12 Desemba 2009 (UTC)Reply

New questions!

Q.can someone clarify on how to check for the checking of articles.done the sw thing and looks otherswise according tyo my judge(Bt) because all the articles i translated i replaced the enin the http adrress with sw and sure enough the articles did not exist,please am so mdissapointed in myself .any Limoke oscar from JKUAT.
Q. How do I create a user page?
A. (see the Tutorial!)
Q. I'm having trouble accessing my account. What do I do?
A. Ask for help on the Jumuia
Q. Do I need to translate proper names, such as "West London", into Swahili?
A. Not if there is no obvious translation. A style guide for names will develop over time.
Q. How do I upload an image to Wikipedia?
A. Click the "Upload file" link in the left-hand toolbox. Follow the instructions to upload your file. When you are done, it will have a name like [[Picha:MyImage.jpg]]. Insert that wikitext into the place in an article where you want the image to appear.
(Note: Commons needs a Swahili main page... it has 100 other languages :-)

Image use example:

[[Picha:Flamingos at lake Nakuru.jpg| thumb | left | Flamingo ni kuwalisha saa Ziwa Nakuru]]

Wingi wa mwani katika ziwa hili huvutia kwa kiasi kikubwa ndege aina ya flamingo ambayo upatikana sana katika ufuo ziwa hili. Ndege zingine pia hustawi katika eneo hili,na hata wanyama wengine wakubwa wa porini.Kiwango cha maji katika ziwa hili kilishuka kwa kasi kikubwa katika miaka ya 1990 lakini hivi karibuni kimeweza kurejea kiwango cha kale.

Flamingo ni kuwalisha saa Ziwa Nakuru

Wingi wa mwani katika ziwa hili huvutia kwa kiasi kikubwa ndege aina ya flamingo ambayo upatikana sana katika ufuo ziwa hili. Ndege zingine pia hustawi katika eneo hili,na hata wanyama wengine wakubwa wa porini.Kiwango cha maji katika ziwa hili kilishuka kwa kasi kikubwa katika miaka ya 1990 lakini hivi karibuni kimeweza kurejea kiwango cha kale.

Q. How do I upload a Word Doc to Wikipedia?
A. Edit an existing article on Wikipedia. Create a [[link]] to the name you would give the new article. Follow that link. Copy the word doc's contents into the text box and save.
Q. If a referencing article doesn't exist in Kiswahili, should I link to the referencing article in English? Or do I leave the term 'red', meaning there is no article.
A. Leave it red. That is a common way for new articles to be started.
Q. I already had a Wikipedia account prior to this challenge. Am I allowed to use it for the challenge?
A. Yes. You are only allowed to submit articles you created after the start of the challenge, however.
Q. How do I pick an article to write?
A. Here are a few lists of articles that need to be written
  1. Red links on Wikipedia:Makala za msingi za kamusi elezo
  2. Topics on this topic list
  3. See this spreadsheet of popular English articles (articles popular in east africa, 3 stars for most relevant, 2 stars for less relevant)
  4. Check [[Jamii:Mbegu]]; from the earlier phase of this wikipedia we have a lot of very short "stubs" or "mbegu" entries; they wait for people to expand them to a real article. Mostly they already have a correct name and are in a category. Your chance to add meat to the bones!
Q. How do I know what articles are available for translation?
A. You can translate any article at all, from any language Wikipedia.
Q. How do I publish my translations from Google Translator Toolkit?
A. check if the article already exists on sw-wikipedia. Do not just overwrite somebody else's work. If the existing article is very short or incomplete you can add content.
B. Google Translator Toolkit lets Wikipedia contributors publish translations directly back to those sites. Publishing back to Wikipedia™ or Knol can be especially useful for quickly making multilingual versions of those sites more helpful by making articles available in local languages.
C. To publish to Wikipedia, sign in to Google Translator Toolkit and open the Wikipedia article in the translation editor. Click Share > Publish to source page. Google Translator Toolkit opens a new tab that shows the translated article in a preview mode.
D. Be careful to remember that the google translation box is only a help and a proposal; you have a lot to work on it. Sentence structure and word choice has to be worked upon. Very often the translation proposal is not understandable as it appears. Never save as you get it from google translation. Make corrections to the article in the edit box at the bottom of the article. Click Save.
Q. I'm still having problems publishing my article. Help!
If you can't press the "publish to source" menu item i.e. if it looks greyed out:
  • First hit "Edit-> Translation Complete". Now hit "Share -> publish to source" (after checking the source article to make sure it hasn't been created by someone else)
If you can press the button, but nothing happens:
  • Ensure that pop-ups are enabled. Here's some instructions of how to do this, per browser type. Once they have popups enabled, they can try "publish to source" again.
Q. What do I do if Wikipedia isn't recognizing my account?
A. It seems Wikipedia isn't recognizing your user name. There is a chance your account hasn't actually been activated yet. Please make sure you set up a Wikipedia account. Try registering again, if the account doesn't seem to exist.
Students who registered in other languages will get confirmation e-mails in that language (French, Spanish, German etc!) asking them to confirm that they did really register. There are two links in the confirmation e-mail - the top one confirms they did register, the second one says they didn't. They need to click the top link, but if they don't speak French/Spanish/German etc then they might not. This should perhaps be explained in the followup e-mail sent.
Q. Does one have to translate book titles in english to swahili? (na mtumiaji:Jakibiro tar. 4 Desemba 2009 12
12 )
A. Pili husu swali lako hapana ukitaja kitabu unatumia jina lake jinsi lilivyo; kama Kiingereza-Kiingereza; kama Kinini - Kinini.--Kipala (majadiliano) 12:52, 4 Desemba 2009 (UTC)Reply
Q. Je niko sahihi ninavyorekebisha makala nilizokwisha kuziandika wakati nipo katika mashindano?
A. Wakati mashindano yanaendelea unaweza kusahihisha. Mwisho wake wakaguzi wanaangalia matokeo. Inaeleweka ya kwamba wageni wetu wanajifunza kazini.
Q Kwa upande wa interwiki, je ninaziweka katika "Tazama pia" na nisahihi zinavyoonekana kwa rangi nyekundu.
Hapana si sahihi. Interwiki inatakiwa kuonekana nje ya makala yenyewe upande wa kushoto. Unapata tokeo hili ukinakili viungo vya interwiki kutoka lugha nyingine na kubandika chini ya makala yako mwishoni kabiusa. Tazama mfano wa Hifadhi ya Serengeti, utafute kichwa ndani ya en:wikipedia na chukua kutoka huko, halafu uongeze en:JINA katika mabano mraba. (ling. maelezo ya interwiki kwenye mwongozo).
Q. Some formatting, especially the info boxes, is not transferred fully to the google kit. So what does one need to do about such?
Pole kwa hilo. Infobox zote haziwezi kuingiliana na hizi za Kiswahili, kwa sababu zile ni za Kiingereza na hizi ni za Kiswahili. Pia, huenda infobox lileile, hapa lipo, lakini iwapo ukiwa hujalitafsiri, basi halitoonyesha chochote zaidi ya umbo lake la mzunguko. Kwa upande mwingine, siyo rahisi kugundua kwamba jedwali lile au sanduku hilo la habari lipo - iwapo hujatafuta makala yenye kuhusiana na makala unayooandika! Kwa mfano makala ya "mwigizaji" (info box ni "Infobox actor au mwigizaji 2"). Litaonekana ukiliweka, lakini bila kutafsiri maelezo ya chini - sawasawa na bure. Pia, siyo rahisi kujua tumeweka maneno gani (hapa unahitajika ufungue kwa mfano Will Smith - yeye limetumika sanduku la "mwigizaji 2 au infobox actor). Ukiwa huelewi Kiswahili, basi nitakueleza kwa Kiingereza! Karibu sana na ahsante kwa kushiriki.--  MwanaharakatiLonga 17:03, 11 Desemba 2009 (UTC)Reply
Q. Hope am not wrong because am surprised to see an article I did to have been submitted later by someone else and marked. Mtumiaji:Wamaiag. The article on Ugali..before I submitted I made sure it didn't exists but surprisely it's under someone else. Could you please explain to me why this seems so? Question by Smartjon. Thank you.
Haya, labda tu niseme hata wewe hukuangalia vyema wakati wa kuwasilisha makala ya Ugali. Awali, iliandikwa na Mtumiaji:Rerehambegha. Baadaye Kipala akasawazisha a kuongezea kitu kama "mbegu" na jamii. Kisha Ndesanjo akaongezea mengineyo na ladha zaidi. Haikushia hapo, Baba Tabita kaweka picha na baadaye Palsahuman akafuta na kuanzisha upya ukurasa. Wewe ukaona haitoshi na kuweka ukurasa wako upya, nami nikaweka kigezo cha ukweli wa kutaka kujua kama Ugali ni neno la Kirundi! Baadaye bwana Wamaiag akaweka ukurasa mpya - kuwa badala ya ule wako wewe uliyouweka! Je, hapo tusemeje? Wote hamukuangalia kama makala ipo. Au hamkupendezewa na makala iliyopo na kupelekea kuleta makala mpya. Labda naona niirejeshe ile yako halafu ukurasa niukinge? Basi sina mengi zaidi ya hayo na ukiwa una swali lingine uliza. Nikiwa ninatokea Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, niite Muddyb, au,--  MwanaharakatiLonga 17:03, 11 Desemba 2009 (UTC)Reply
Muddy sina uhakika inatokea nini ukitumia vile zana za kutafsiri za google. Je mtu kama amepata pendekezo lile la google na akitaka kuiweka katika sw:wiki ni rahisi kutoona kama kitu kipo tayari kwa jina analochagua?? Au kutoona kitu kabisa? Sijui kama hii ni uwivu tu kwa upande wa wageni wetu au tatizo kwenye mfumo wa --Kipala (majadiliano) 04:51, 12 Desemba 2009 (UTC)Reply
Kwa kweli sijui. Dhahili hawachunguzi kama makala ipo, bali wana-kandika tu, basi. Shida, wengi siyo watiifu kiasi kwamba waweze kuchunguza kile wanachokifanya. Kwani kabla hujaenda huko google.translate si ni lazima uanze kuchunguza kile unachoandika kama kipo? Basi mimi naona mauzauza tu, mzee wangu. Nina wazo moja, unaonaje tukinge zile makala zenye traffic nyingi? Yaani, isiwe makala moja iwe inaandikwa na huyu mara huyu, kisha yule, basi ili mradi fujo tu. Unaonaje?--  MwanaharakatiLonga 05:59, 12 Desemba 2009 (UTC)Reply
Rudi kwenye ukurasa wa mradi " Kiswahili Wikipedia Challenge/en ".