Kristolojia (kutoka maneno ya Kigiriki Χριστός, Khristós, Kristo na λογία, logia, elimu) ni tawi la fani ya teolojia linalochunguza hasa imani ya Kanisa kuhusu nafsi na hali za Yesu Kristo kwa kutegemea kwanza Injili na vitabu vingine vya Agano Jipya, lakini pia mapokeo ya Mitume yanavyojitokeza katika mitaguso ya kiekumeni na maandishi ya mababu wa Kanisa.[2]

Wakatoliki wanatia maanani pia mafundisho mengine ya ualimu wa Kanisa, hasa mitaguso mikuu na matamko ya Mapapa.[3]
Jambo la msingi katika utafiti huo ni uhusiano wa Kristo kama Mwana wa Mungu na Mungu Baba katika umoja wa Roho Mtakatifu. Halafu Kristolojia inachunguza maisha na utume wa Yesu, ili kuelewa zaidi ubinadamu wake na nafasi yake kama Mwokozi wa watu wote.[4]
Wataalamu wa Kanisa Katoliki, lakini pia Waorthodoksi na wengineo, wanaona Mariolojia ni sehemu muhimu ya Kristolojia,[5] kwa kuwa Maria anachangia kufanya Yesu aeleweke kikamilifu zaidi.[6][7] na "Ni lazima kurudi kwa Maria, tukitaka kurudia ukweli wa Yesu Kristo"[8].
Historia ya Kristolojia
haririMtume Paulo alisisitiza uwepo wa Kristo kabla hajazaliwa na mwanamke (Bikira Maria) na heshima anayostahili kama Bwana (kwa Kigiriki Kyrios, jina lililotumika kutafsiria lile la YHWH, maalumu kwa Mungu wa Israeli).[9]
Baada ya wakati wa Mitume wa Yesu kupita, teolojia ilistawi katika shule mbalimbali, hasa za Aleksandria na Antiokia. Kristolojia ilikuwa sehemu muhimu ya ustawi huo lakini pia ya mabishano yaliyochanganyikana na masuala ya kisiasa zaidi.
Mitaguso ya kiekumeni ilipaswa yote kujadili suala hilo ili kurudisha amani katika Kanisa na katika dola la Roma.[10][10] Maamuzi yake yanashikiliwa hadi leo kwa imani na madhehebu karibu yote ya Ukristo[10]ingawa mengi yalijitenga, hasa Makanisa ya Kiorthodoksi ya Mashariki.[10]
Katika karne ya 13, Thomas Aquinas alikuwa wa kwanza kujaribu kukabili masuala yote ya Kristolojia ili kuifundisha kikamilifu.[11][12][13][14]
Karne za Kati huko Ulaya magharibi zilitokeza sura tamu ya Yesu kama rafiki anayeleta faraja moyoni.[15]
hariri- ↑ Who do you say that I am? Essays on Christology by Jack Dean Kingsbury, Mark Allan Powell, David R. Bauer 1999 ISBN 0-664-25752-6-page xvi
- ↑ Christology: A Biblical, Historical, and Systematic Study of Jesus by Gerald O'Collins 2009 ISBN 0-19-955787-X pages 1-3
- ↑ Encyclopedia of theology: a concise Sacramentum mundi by Karl Rahner 2004 ISBN 0-86012-006-6 pages 755-767
- ↑ Catholic encyclopedia: Christology
- ↑ "Mariology Is Christology", in Vittorio Messori, The Mary Hypothesis, Rome: 2005. [1] Ilihifadhiwa 5 Agosti 2008 kwenye Wayback Machine.
- ↑ Paul Haffner, 2004 The mystery of Mary Gracewing Press ISBN 0-85244-650-0 page 17
- ↑ Communio, 1996, Volume 23, page 175
- ↑ Raymond Burke, 2008 Mariology: A Guide for Priests, Deacons, seminarians, and Consecrated Persons ISBN 1-57918-355-7 page xxi
- ↑ Christ in Christian Tradition: From the Apostolic Age to Chalcedon' by Aloys Grillmeier, John Bowden 1975 ISBN 0-664-22301-X pages 15-19 [2]
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 Davis, SJ, Leo Donald (1990), The First Seven Ecumenical Councils (325-787): Their History and Theology (Theology and Life Series 21), Collegeville, MN: Michael Glazier/Liturgical Press, uk. 342, ISBN 978-0-8146-5616-7
- ↑ Gilson, Etienne (1994), The Christian Philosophy of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, uk. 502, ISBN 978-0-268-00801-7
- ↑ Christology: Biblical And Historical by Mini S. Johnson, 2005 ISBN 81-8324-007-0 page 76-79 [3]
- ↑ Christology: A Biblical, Historical, and Systematic Study of Jesus by Gerald O'Collins 2009 ISBN 0-19-955787-X pages 208-212 [4]
- ↑ Aquinas as authority by Paul van Geest, Harm J. M. J. Goris pages 25-35 [5]
- ↑ Christology: Key Readings in Christian Thought by Jeff Astley, David Brown, Ann Loades 2009 ISBN 0-664-23269-8 page 106
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